Clear all tags
I wanted to make a button that cleans all the tags, just above of the text “Separate tags with commas”. I usually have a list of names on the tags and when I want to change them, I have to delete one by one. Could someone give me some idea? I guess it will be some javascript.
Thanks in advance
Interesting question, and that would be quite handy functionality. I wouldn’t know exactly how to do this either, but as a start I would look at plugins/topics with similar functionality. Perhaps these links are a starting point?
delete all product tags with SQL (support topic)
mass delete tags (plugin)
simple tags (plugin)Especially the last one seems to have lots of development and also uses AJAX requests, so that may be a good starting point. Possibly the plugin author might just be able to help with a piece of code if you ask.
Hope that helps somewhat as a start.
Hello Dave
I have reviewed those plugins but I think it does it from database. I would like to know how the javascript code does to delete a tag with the cross button. I looked at the “load-scripts.php” but I could only beautify this:
var tagBox, array_unique_noempty; ! function(a) { var b = window.tagsSuggestL10n && window.tagsSuggestL10n.tagDelimiter || ","; array_unique_noempty = function(b) { var c = []; return a.each(b, function(b, d) { d = a.trim(d), d && a.inArray(d, c) === -1 && c.push(d) }), c }, tagBox = { clean: function(a) { return "," !== b && (a = a.replace(new RegExp(b, "g"), ",")), a = a.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ",").replace(/,+/g, ",").replace(/[,\s]+$/, "").replace(/^[,\s]+/, ""), "," !== b && (a = a.replace(/,/g, b)), a }, parseTags: function(c) { var d =, e = d.split("-check-num-")[1], f = a(c).closest(".tagsdiv"), g = f.find(".the-tags"), h = g.val().split(b), i = []; return delete h[e], a.each(h, function(b, c) { c = a.trim(c), c && i.push(c) }), g.val(this.clean(i.join(b))), this.quickClicks(f), !1 }, quickClicks: function(c) { var d, e, f = a(".the-tags", c), g = a(".tagchecklist", c), h = a(c).attr("id"); f.length && (e = f.prop("disabled"), d = f.val().split(b), g.empty(), a.each(d, function(b, c) { var d, f; c = a.trim(c), c && (d = a("<li />").text(c), e || (f = a('<button type="button" id="' + h + "-check-num-" + b + '" class="ntdelbutton"><span class="remove-tag-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="screen-reader-text">' + window.tagsSuggestL10n.removeTerm + " " + d.html() + "</span></button>"), f.on("click keypress", function(b) { "click" !== b.type && 13 !== b.keyCode && 32 !== b.keyCode || (13 !== b.keyCode && 32 !== b.keyCode || a(this).closest(".tagsdiv").find("input.newtag").focus(), tagBox.userAction = "remove", tagBox.parseTags(this)) }), d.prepend(" ").prepend(f)), g.append(d)) }), tagBox.screenReadersMessage()) }, flushTags: function(c, d, e) { var f, g, h, i = a(".the-tags", c), j = a("input.newtag", c); return d = d || !1, h = d ? a(d).text() : j.val(), "undefined" != typeof h && "" !== h && (f = i.val(), g = f ? f + b + h : h, g = this.clean(g), g = array_unique_noempty(g.split(b)).join(b), i.val(g), this.quickClicks(c), d || j.val(""), "undefined" == typeof e && j.focus(), !1) }, get: function(b) { var c = b.substr(b.indexOf("-") + 1);, { action: "get-tagcloud", tax: c }, function(d, e) { 0 !== d && "success" == e && (d = a('<div id="tagcloud-' + c + '" class="the-tagcloud">' + d + "</div>"), a("a", d).click(function() { return tagBox.userAction = "add", tagBox.flushTags(a("#" + c), this), !1 }), a("#" + b).after(d)) }) }, userAction: "", screenReadersMessage: function() { var a; switch (this.userAction) { case "remove": a = window.tagsSuggestL10n.termRemoved; break; case "add": a = window.tagsSuggestL10n.termAdded; break; default: return } window.wp.a11y.speak(a, "assertive") }, init: function() { var b = a("div.ajaxtag"); a(".tagsdiv").each(function() { tagBox.quickClicks(this) }), a(".tagadd", b).click(function() { tagBox.userAction = "add", tagBox.flushTags(a(this).closest(".tagsdiv")) }), a("input.newtag", b).keypress(function(b) { 13 == b.which && (tagBox.userAction = "add", tagBox.flushTags(a(this).closest(".tagsdiv")), b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation()) }).keypress(function(a) { 13 == a.which && (a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation()) }).each(function(b, c) { a(c).wpTagsSuggest() }), a("#post").submit(function() { a("div.tagsdiv").each(function() { tagBox.flushTags(this, !1, 1) }) }), a(".tagcloud-link").click(function() { tagBox.get(a(this).attr("id")), a(this).attr("aria-expanded", "true").unbind().click(function() { a(this).attr("aria-expanded", "false" === a(this).attr("aria-expanded") ? "true" : "false").siblings(".the-tagcloud").toggle() }) }) } } }(jQuery);
Sorry for my bad english
Thanks in advance
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