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  • Plugin Author Jonathandejong



    I’m guessing that honda etc. are really taxonomies?
    Your custom post type is products so when you use the filter it should do something like products/honda/civic correct?

    Thread Starter lucaz5520


    YES exactly you are correct.

    But just to make things easier thats just my test website on my real website it’s much simpler and this is how it works.

    I have one Custom Post Type of "Products" created by the Custom Post Type UI Plugin

    Along with two custom Taxonomies of "Types" and "Countries" used as filters for my products in my Taxonomy.php

    and just like you said when I use the filter I would get something like:

    Dont mean to confuse you or anything by giving the two examples I just figured it would be easier for us both to understand if I use my real website as an example because it only has 2 custom taxonomies instead of 10 like on my test website.

    Plugin Author Jonathandejong


    The plugin uses archive.php or archive-products.php as template to show the cpt posts.
    So the default url of should work as you should have set it’s archive parameter to true in custom post types UI.

    if the other filtered URLs (like the one you use as example) work then the base url .com/products should also work and it’s also where the clear all link would lead to ??

    If you’re using the filter module on the specific taxonomy archives and instead want a clear all link to lead back to these you’ll probably have to create a custom solution for that. You can add your own clear all link using one of the actions provided at the bottom here:

    Thread Starter lucaz5520


    So I just set my Custom Post Types "Archive" and "Hierarchical" set to "True" and copied the code in my taxonomy.php to my archive.php made couple of adjustments and it works great.

    Thank you so much, really appreciate the help and the amazing plugin!

    On a side note tho I wanted to ask you something thats unrelated to the question but related to WordPress but I don’t want to do this here so Iv sent you an email if thats ok.

    Plugin Author Jonathandejong


    No problem ?? Please leave a review if you like!

    marking as resolved.

    Sorry to jump into this resolved topic, but I have the same issue and do not understand how to redirect “clear all” to a different link. I registered my custom post type, “custom_product” with ‘has_archive’ => true. I have a file, archive-custom_product.php, which is properly accessed whenever there is a successful search. If no items are found by a search, it calls get_template_part( 'content', 'none' );
    and “no items found” properly appears.

    However, “clear all” does not use any archive file at all… when it goes to https://myurl/custom_product/, it pulls up the 404.php page specified by the parent theme (I’m using a child theme).

    Many thanks if you can clarify what is happening.

    Plugin Author Jonathandejong



    It’s difficult for me to figure out what’s happening here. But if the clear all link sends you to which is the correct permalink for your custom post type archive it should work. It would be the same URL as the one you use for the archive to begin with am I right?

    Actually does not exist… I have a file named archive-custom_product.php which is what I expected to use for the archive. But I will try to rename it to custom_product.php and see what happens.

    Okay, I just tried renaming archive-custom_product.php but all that did is break the formatting of the filter results. I have the feeling that there is something simple which I am not understanding!

    P.S. I also duplicated archive-custom_product.php and renamed it archive.php but that did not help.

    I have made some progress on why Clear All has been giving me a 404 page.

    My custom post type is called “custom_product” but the slug was called “product” when I registered it, i.e.

    function create_single_product_type() {
    	register_post_type( 'custom_product',
    			'labels' => array(
    				'name' => __( 'Products' ),
    				'singular_name' => __( 'Product' ),
    				'search_items' =>  __( 'Search Products' ),
    				'all_items' => __( 'All Products' ),
    				'view_item' => __( 'View Product' ),
    				'not_found' => __( 'No Products Found' ),
    				'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Product' ),
    				'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Product' ),
    				'new_item_name' => __( 'New Single Product' ),
    				'menu_name' => __( 'Our Products' ),
    			'public' => true,
    			'has_archive' => true,
    			'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'product'),
    			'menu_position' => 5,
    			'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'custom-fields'),

    So I realized that Beautiful Taxonomy was looking for a page using the custom post type name, not the slug:, not Once I changed
    'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'product') to
    'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'custom_product')
    and then resaved Beautiful Taxonomy settings, I stopped getting the 404 error. However, it’s not ideal as I will have to change my custom post name everywhere (including in database) to something more attractive as a slug.

    Plugin Author Jonathandejong


    I’ve covered these slug rewrites in most part of the plugin so it’s possible that i’ve just missed it for the clear all filter..

    I’ll have a look for the next version ??

    Thanks… I’ve finally figured out how to make a replacement link, so here’s the snippet to put in your theme’s functions.php file for whomever needs it:

    function add_markup_ending_form($current_post_type){
        echo ('<span class="beautiful-taxonomy-filters-clear-all"><a href="'. get_site_url().'/yourslug">Clear All</a></span>');
    add_action('beautiful_actions_ending_form', 'add_markup_ending_form' );

    Uncheck the clear all box in the Beautiful Taxonomy settings to make the original link go away.

    Plugin Author Jonathandejong


    Nice ?? Here’s a little cleaner with translatable strings

    function add_markup_ending_form($current_post_type){
        echo '<span class="beautiful-taxonomy-filters-clear-all"><a href="'. get_post_type_archive_link('yourposttypename') .'" title="' . __('Clears all active filters', 'beautiful-taxonomy-filters') . '">' . __('Clear All', 'beautiful-taxonomy-filters') . '</a></span>';
    add_action('beautiful_actions_ending_form', 'add_markup_ending_form' );

    Awesome, thank you again!

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