• Tyler


    Hello, I would like to not only clean up the newly added “include support ticket message in email feature”, but would also like the email to include ALL ticket information.

    Currently, I am using this plugin as a work ordering system, so I simply edited the plugin to say “Work Order” instead of “Support Ticket”. This is how current emails look like coming in:

    Subject: New Work Order: “12345 Property Blvd”

    Message: There is new a work order: (link to ticket)

    The content of the work order is: “Repair this. &nbsp Repair that. &nbsp?Okay to invoice for $400. &nbsp TEST”

    This is how I would like the email to look like:

    Subject: New Work Order: “12345 Property Blvd”

    Message: There is new a work order: (link to ticket)

    [TICKET TITLE] (This is the property address on my site)
    [USER FIELD 1] Client Information (header)
    [USER FIELD 2] Full Name:
    [USER FIELD 3] Company:
    [USER FIELD 4] Phone Number:
    [USER FIELD 5] Email:
    [USER FIELD 6] Billing Address:
    [USER FIELD 7] Additional Property Information (header)
    [USER FIELD 8] Vacancy Information
    [USER FIELD 9] Occupied Information

    The content of the work order is: “Repair this. Repair that. Okay to invoice for $400. TEST”

    So basically I want the emails to show the ticket title in the body, as well as all the user fields, and for the contents to not print “&nbsp” between everything. I know I have to edit /php/submit_ticket.php to do this.

    $to      = $devOptions['email']; // Send this to the admin
        $subject = __("New Work Order:", 'wpsc-support-tickets').' "'. strip_tags($_POST['wpscst_title']).'"';
        $message = __('There is new a work order: ','wpsc-support-tickets').get_admin_url().'admin.php?page=wpscSupportTickets-edit&primkey='.$lastID;
        if($devOptions['use_ticket_in_email']=='true') {
            $message .= "\r\n";
            $message .= "\r\n";
            $cleaned_message = __("The content of the work order is: ", 'wpsc-support-tickets'). '"'. strip_tags($_POST['wpscst_initial_message']) .'"';
            $message .= $cleaned_message;

    This is the original code. I know I need to add the fields to the $cleaned_message value, but I’m not sure how to call the title and user fields to add them to the email messages, or how to omit printing “&nbsp”

    How do I do this?


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  • Thread Starter Tyler


    Fixed the &nbsp issue by toggling Send HTML Emails to true (pro version) but now everything is mashed together when the email is sent to me. The email that the client views is easily edited from the settings tab, however the email we view isn’t.

    I will submit a feature request to add editing this email to the settings page. In the meantime, I would still like to edit it from the backend, any pointers would be great.

    Thread Starter Tyler


    Ok, after much trail and error I figured out how to make the emails include the ticket details. You edit /php/submit_ticket.php and there’s two $cleaned_message fields, one for the message sent to the submitter and one to admin.

    $cleaned_message = __("The content of the work order is: ", 'wpsc-support-tickets'). '"'. strip_tags($_POST['wpscst_initial_message']) .'"';

    This is how I changed it for the submitter:
    $cleaned_message = __('<b>Name:</b> '. strip_tags($_POST['wpsct_custom_2']).' <br><b>Company:</b> '. strip_tags($_POST['wpsct_custom_4']).' <br><br><b>Contact Information</b><br>Phone Number: '. strip_tags($_POST['wpsct_custom_10']).' <br>Email: '. strip_tags($_POST['wpsct_custom_5']).' <br>Biling Address: '. strip_tags($_POST['wpsct_custom_6']).' <br><br><b>Property Information</b><br>Property Address: '. strip_tags($_POST['wpscst_title']).' <br>Access Information: '. strip_tags($_POST['wpsct_custom_22']).' <br>Occupant Information: '. strip_tags($_POST['wpsct_custom_23']).' <br><br><b>Work Order Information</b><br>Type: '. strip_tags($_POST['wpscst_department']).' <br>Work Order Message: "'. strip_tags($_POST['wpscst_initial_message']) .'"');

    This is what the email they received looks like now:

    Thank you for opening a new work order. You will be hearing from us shortly to confirm the order.

    Please visit https://www.cspreo.com/work-orders to view all your pending and complete work orders.


    Contact Information
    Phone Number: 9045555555
    Email: [email protected]
    Biling Address: 1234 TESTING DR JACKSONVILLE, FL 32222

    Property Information
    Property Address: 12345 Property Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32222
    Access Information: LB CODE 1234
    Occupant Information: CALL BLAH AT 555-5555

    Work Order Information
    Type: Repair
    Work Order Message: “Work order details. Blah blah blah blah blah blah.Repair this, repair that. “

    I did pretty much the same thing for the admin email too. Obviously, I have customized this script a lot. But to call new items to the email you have to add fields like this:

    <br>Occupant Information: '. strip_tags($_POST['wpsct_custom_23']).'
    Line break to format mail, section name, and the strip_tags($POST is calling the ticket custom forms. To figure out the numbers, just view source on your browser on your Support Ticket page and it will list out all the values of your custom fields, as well as the default ones, like wpscst_department.

    I hope this helps anyone trying to customize the auto reply emails; it took me the whole afternoon to figure it out.

    The only thing that I still can’t figure out, is why in the wpscst_initial_message value the function is not including line breaks. Currently it jams the message all together if the user put in line breaks.

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