• Resolved Manni02



    I need to reduce the footprint of our website so I’m considering uninstalling Editor Plus, but it has added lots of specific HTML code on most pages.

    How do I clean up the html before uninstalling the plugin, so that I don’t get errors when it’s disabled?

    Thank you

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  • Plugin Author Munir Kamal


    As far I am aware there should be no footprint left behind if you disable the plugin (newer version), I may not confirm that for the older version though.

    What exactly do you see in the code, could you please provide more info. Also what version of EP you are using?

    Thread Starter Manni02


    Hi Munir,

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    I’m using the latest version of Editor Plus (2.9.8).

    The HTML code for most pages is littered with editor plus customs wrappers, like these:

    <!-- wp:group {"align":"full","backgroundColor":"white","epAnimationGeneratedClass":"edplus_anim-qgrAkz","epGeneratedClass":"eplus-wrapper"} -->
    <div class="wp-block-group alignfull has-white-background-color has-background eplus-wrapper"><!-- wp:columns {"epStylingOptions":{"epCustomColumnsResponsiveEnabled":true,"epCustomColumnsReverseResponsiveEnabled":true,"epCustomColumnsSpacingResponsiveEnabled":true,"epCustomColumns":{"target":"wp-block-column","responsive":true,"hover":false,"options":[{"custom":true,"control":"ColumnToggle"},{"label":"Responsive Columns","control":"Range","attribute":"epCustomColumns","defaults":{"tablet":"2","mobile":"1"},"css":"flex-basis","customValue":"calc(( 100% - ({{Range:epCustomColumnsSpacing:auto:0px}} * ({{value}} - 1))) / {{value}}) !important","props":{"max":6,"min":1,"supportedUnits":[]},"condition":{"query":[{"field":"attributes.className","compare":"IN","value":"ep-custom-column"},[{"relation":"OR","query":[{"field":"viewport","compare":"EQUAL","value":"tablet"},{"field":"viewport","compare":"EQUAL","value":"mobile"}]}]]}}]},"epCustomColumnsReverse":{"target":"","responsive":true,"hover":false,"options":[{"label":"Columns Order","control":"ButtonGroup","attribute":"epCustomColumnsReverse","css":"flex-direction","customValue":"{{value}}","condition":{"relation":"AND","query":[{"field":"attributes.className","compare":"IN","value":"ep-custom-column"},[{"relation":"OR","query":[[{"relation":"AND","query":[{"field":"attributes.epCustomColumns.mobile","controlledBy":"Range","compare":"IN","value":"1"},
    Plugin Author Munir Kamal


    This is the code when you have disabled the plugin?

    Thread Starter Manni02


    No, this is the code with the plugin enabled.

    Thread Starter Manni02


    I haven’t tried disabling the plugin recently though, maybe it doesn’t happen anymore, please let me check.

    Plugin Author Munir Kamal


    Well, if you have the plugin enabled this code will obviously be there as otherwise how would you expect such a plugin to work?

    Also note that this code is not what prints on the front-end, this is for the editor to make things work (in simple words).

    You main question in the ticket was this:

    “How do I clean up the html before uninstalling the plugin, so that I don’t get errors when it’s disabled?”

    So I thought you are seeing code after disabling the plugin. Please test and let me know.

    Thread Starter Manni02


    OK, sorry for the misunderstanding, I had not double-checked recently that the Editor Plus HTML code would be gone when the plugin is disabled, it was only my experience that it didn’t go entirely when the plugin is disbaled. Of course I do expect it to be there when the plugin is enabled ??

    This is still the case with the latest version, here is what I get when I disable the plugin:

    <!-- wp:group {"align":"full","backgroundColor":"white","className":"eplus-wrapper"} -->
    <div class="wp-block-group alignfull eplus-wrapper has-white-background-color has-background"><!-- wp:columns {"className":"eplus-wrapper"} -->
    <div class="wp-block-columns eplus-wrapper"><!-- wp:column {"width":"100%","className":"eplus-wrapper"} -->
    <div class="wp-block-column eplus-wrapper" style="flex-basis:100%"><!-- wp:columns {"verticalAlignment":"center","className":"eplus-wrapper"} -->
    <div class="wp-block-columns are-vertically-aligned-center eplus-wrapper"><!-- wp:column {"verticalAlignment":"center","className":"eplus-wrapper"} -->
    <div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center eplus-wrapper"><!-- wp:shortcode -->
    [s2If !is_user_logged_in()]
    <!-- /wp:shortcode -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"className":"eplus-wrapper"} -->
    <h2 class="eplus-wrapper" id="contact-us">Contact Us</h2>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    Plugin Author Munir Kamal


    Yeah, now this is clean & clear. EP only leaves one thing behind which is a CSS class ‘eplus-wrapper’ which is the best we were able to do technically.

    Note that, this also should only be available in the editor code and nothing should print on the front-end.

    Thread Starter Manni02


    OK thanks!

    Plugin Author Munir Kamal


    Glad all is clear now, I am closing this ticket. Please feel free to open a new or reply here if you find something else that needs my attention.


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