• Resolved emiliengerbois


    Hi everybody,
    First of all I want to thank you for the great job done on that plugin.

    I’m currently facing a problem on my install and I would like to reinstall the plugin, which I did by simply deleting badgeOS and the Community add-on from my admin panel, then reinstalling and activating it network wide.

    I found out that my data was still there after it, so I guess it’s saved in another location.
    My problem is I created some custom achievement types and I don’t get why but it disappeared from the achievements types panel, though they are still in my admin menu with all badges created in it.

    I’d like to erase the whole data in order to make a clean reinstall now, and it’s getting important because I must leave testing shortly, and implement real contents.

    As I don’t want to do anything wrong, I wondered if you guys could help me making it clean, telling me for example which tables to erase from the database and the process to make that clean reinstall.

    I hope you can help me, BadgeOS is a wonderful plugin and I might contact you also for some custom development when my business is completely ready to launch.

    Thank you so so much in advance,



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  • Thread Starter emiliengerbois


    New problem I didn’t write about before:
    I also have a case where I lost the achievements data in a single achievement type, so two main problems why I’d like to clean reinstall :

    1 – Badge data in achievement type OK but achievement type not showing in the achievement type tab

    2 – Badge data in achievement type ERASED but achievement tab showing in achievement type tab

    thxs so much in advance

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Hi emiliengerbois,

    First reply:

    As you probably already noted, we don’t really have a “delete our content” button and last time I asked about similar things, this was by design.

    However, there will obviously be moments where our users want such a thing, like your current situation.

    We are really good with prefixing and appending “badgeos” to all of our settings, which will make it easy to locate such things in the database. That said, at this time, this is definitely a case of needing to manually manipulate the database to clear things out. You’ll want to make a backup before you do anything, if you do anything with that. Hopefully you, or someone you know, is comfortable with this.

    List of “tables: database keys” that will have BadgeOS data:
    -wp_options: badgeos_settings, transient keys
    -wp_p2p/wp_p2pmeta: see #1 below
    -wp_postmeta: many. see #2 below
    -wp_posts: see #3 below
    -wp_usermeta: see #4 below

    1. this one can just have all the rows deleted. They’re used for steps data and whatnot.
    2. These will all start with “_badgeos_”
    3. These are where the actual achievements are. They are made with custom post types. You’ll want to check the post_type column and match them up with the names you gave the achievements.
    4. These also will all start with “_badgeos_”

    That should pretty well get you covered. That’s the only way I can think of at the moment other than doing a complete site reset, which is WAY WAY more work, so we don’t want to do that.

    Second reply:

    1. If you renamed the achievement at all after having already had some awarded, then you very likely still have the content in the database, but you ended up also creating a new achievement. Due to us using Custom Post Types for this, it’s not always easy to rename them afterwards, without some database modifying to retain all previous achievements. We have had a couple of requests to help with that, and it’s in our list of enhancement ideas.

    2. Not quite following with this one. I’m wondering if you could perhaps provide a couple screenshots to help illustrate this one.

    Thread Starter emiliengerbois


    Hi Michael,
    thank you so so much for such a quick answer and such a great support, it’s really appreciated and gives even more value to the greatness of the plugin itself.

    I’m currently working on another aspect of my business project but I planned to have a look tomorrow morning, after this night backup.

    Regarding the second issue it seems to be solved but if it comes back I will send you some links to screenshots ??

    Thank you again, your answer is so precise,
    have a nice day, I keep you posted,

    Thread Starter emiliengerbois


    Hey Michael,
    I hope you’re fine today,
    like I said yesterday, I just worked on my issue following your wise advices ??
    It worked like a charm so many many thanks!
    May I precise for whoever could read this post later : you must follow the above steps for each site if you work with multisite:

    – main site : wp_options / wp_p2p / wp_p2pmeta / wp_postmeta / wp_posts / wp_usermeta
    – each subsite : wp_SITE-ID_options / wp_SITE-ID_p2p / wp_SITE-ID_p2pmeta / wp_SITE-ID_postmeta / wp_SITE-ID_posts / wp_usermeta (not concerned)

    BUT, one of the previous problems came out again and I could understand this from the mySQL database. I think it’s a problem other people could face so I guess it’s better to tell about here, AND on WPML support forums…..

    The problem was some achievement types sometimes disappeared from the achievement type tab in badgeOS admin menu.

    The reason in my case: allowing to translate achievement types with wpml doesn’t append a language to the current post type (let’s call it “badges”) from which you edit that translation ability.

    So when you get back to your achievement types list, “badges” just doesn’t show and you have no way to edit it except by adding an entry to the database under wp_icl_translations and/or if in multisite wp_SITEID_icl_translations.

    If you previously set your achievement type to show in menu (when creating it), then you can see it there, but not from the achievement types list.

    Thank you again for your great support Michael, thumbs up for the whole work on badgeOS and have a great week-end


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