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  • Plugin Author Johan van der Wijk


    Hi Aris,

    Yes, you can add tag support to the content_block custom post type. You can do that either by modifying line 145 of the plugin file post-widget.php (not recommended) or you can follow the steps of this tutorial which shows you how to filter the custom post type options (the preferred solution).

    You can add classes to your content blocks by using this plugin:

    Note that all content blocks have a unique ID based on the post id and are wrapped in a div with class content-block so you should be able to target them without additional classes.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter arisgiavris


    Thank you Johan.
    Your answer is very helpful.

    One more question please:
    In my Content Blocks I wish to write different kind of questions about the preceding post. Each Content Block will contains a different question.

    May I use categories and tags for each type of Block Content?

    Thank you again.


    Plugin Author Johan van der Wijk


    Yes, you can use categories and tags if you follow the steps of the tutorial link above. This is the filter you will have to add:

    'taxonomies' => array('tags', 'category' ),

    Thread Starter arisgiavris


    Thank you Johan.

    Thread Starter arisgiavris


    Hi Johan.

    I the tutorial I click this link and then ” post.php “.

    Now I am seeing and that piece of code:

    1017	        $args = apply_filters( 'register_post_type_args', $args, $post_type );
    1019	        $has_edit_link = ! empty( $args['_edit_link'] );
    1021	        // Args prefixed with an underscore are reserved for internal use.
    1022	        $defaults = array(
    1023	                'labels'               => array(),
    1024	                'description'          => '',
    1025	                'public'               => false,
    1026	                'hierarchical'         => false,
    1027	                'exclude_from_search'  => null,
    1028	                'publicly_queryable'   => null,
    1029	                'show_ui'              => null,
    1030	                'show_in_menu'         => null,
    1031	                'show_in_nav_menus'    => null,
    1032	                'show_in_admin_bar'    => null,
    1033	                'menu_position'        => null,
    1034	                'menu_icon'            => null,
    1035	                'capability_type'      => 'post',
    1036	                'capabilities'         => array(),
    1037	                'map_meta_cap'         => null,
    1038	                'supports'             => array(),
    1039	                'register_meta_box_cb' => null,
    1040	                'taxonomies'           => array(),
    1041	                'has_archive'          => false,
    1042	                'rewrite'              => true,
    1043	                'query_var'            => true,
    1044	                'can_export'           => true,
    1045	                'delete_with_user'     => null,
    1046	                '_builtin'             => false,
    1047	                '_edit_link'           => 'post.php?post=%d',
    1048	        );

    Where I must paste the code you have sent to me?

    ‘taxonomies’ => array(‘tags’, ‘category’ ),

    Thank you.

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