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  • Plugin Author Fernando Briano


    div must be passed to the template parameter. So your code should be instead:

    [catlist name="Warrior Mom" template=div numberposts=5 pagination=yes orderby=date date=yes author=yes excerpt=yes catlist comments=yes posts_morelink="Read more..."]

    That should fix things for you.


    That solve one of my problems too – but – I do not want to show the Custom field in a DIV like that: <div class=”lcp_customfield”>Test</div>

    what I have to do?

    Here my complette code:

    [catlist name=Repertoire template=div link_target=_blank customfield_display=”Artist” customfield_display_name=”no” link_target=_blank date=yes]

    For me, template=div does literally nothing to the output, what SHOULD it be doing?

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