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  • Thread Starter RoyalMess


    Anyone please?

    Plugin Author Fernando Briano


    If you want to apply a CSS class to the title PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION, it clearly says how to do it for the title under HTML & CSS Customization.

    If you’re asking for the CSS then that’s not a question about the plugin, but that would be something like:

    color: #f00;
    font-weight: bold;

    i also put stlyes in tags and s it not working i had to hardcode in the code some classes but i still cannot hardcode the date class

    [catlist id=”224″?date=”yes”?date_class=”news-date”?dateformat=”l F dS, Y” excerpt=”yes”?excerpt_overwrite=”yes”?excerpt_size=”30″ excerpt_strip=”yes” thumbnail=”yes” thumbnail_size=”100,100 ” orderby=”date” order=”desc”]

    none of those classes works and that is why i had to edit catlist.php and catlistdisplayer.php to put 2 classes

    if anyone knows please tell me how to correct my shortcode so i can add the classes for there

    The PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION link given above doesn’t go anywhere. I’m struggling to understand how to format this with CSS too.

    [catlist id=”341″ date=”yes” date_tag=”p” date_class=”news-date” dateformat=”l F dS, Y” excerpt=”yes” excerpt_overwrite=”yes” excerpt_size=”30″ excerpt_strip=”yes” thumbnail=”yes” thumbnail_class=”thumbnews” thumbnail_size=”100,100 ” orderby=”date” order=”desc” posts_morelink=”Read More”]

    this is how it worked for me

    [Moderated – please do not use these forums to solicit work – ]

    @hunter44 I guess you should just grab the link and paste in your browser. Worked for me that way. Find it below, just in case

    @nemanja.redevic, did you manage to do this, and i am looking on how to set this up, as the methods i have tried failed…

    The documentation is a bit incomplete.

    First decide what part of the output you want to format, e.g. the author name.

    Then decide how you want to do that, e.g. with a span.

    Then create a class in the theme’s CSS stylesheet (in Appearance -> Editor) Note: there might be more than one style sheet so you might have to experiment to identify which one works) e.g.:

    .cpauthor {font-weight:bold;}

    Then call that class with a tag inside the catlist parameters like this:

    [catlist name=your-cat author_tag=span author_class=cpauthor]

    This worked for me.

    Wish I could figure-out how to change the LI bullets though …

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