• Finally got the cart being created but spent a lot of time searching for the correct Template changes! The instruction to eliminate event didn’t do it. But replacing the input line with: <input type=”hidden” name=”catablogcartprocess” value=”true” />
    did the trick.

    In the catablog cart set up: If you want to be routed to the cart after each add, then select the page where [catablogcart] is located.

    If you want to stay on the catalog page select a page withut the [catablogcart] Note: customer has to manually select the cart page to submit it.

    To capture the order form you must enter an email address in the catablog cart options where it says EMAIL FROM.

    After many hours of searching this forum and trying a whole bunch of different actions, I’ve finally gotten it to work as expected.

    Clarifying the instructions would have made this a painless exercise!
    Might even find many more users.

    (I’m not ready to turn my site on for ordering but you can see the concept at joyridercart.com)


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