i disagree. i have gone through and updated about 20 sites this past weekend – all of which had version 7.x of the plugin installed. over and over and i was able to recreate the same issue. but if i opened a tab with CJT admin prior to upgrading to version 8, and then used that tab to create a new block after the update, the problem is solved. however if i don’t i am stuck with a blank page in the admin with only the “CSS & Javascript Toolbox” title and the error in the console i noted earlier. I recreated this over and over again this weekend. each time it seems as if the upgrade did not take me through the normal process of updating through the CJT installation page. i tried clearing cache and different browsers and am still stuck with a blank screen in admin for one of the sites i updated before figuring out the work around.
one thing to note – the stored blocks are preserved, they still are executed on the website but the admin page does not allow me to edit or view any of the saved blocks. any suggestions?