Home / Your WordPress / Citizen Dmitri
20 years, 1 month ago
Capturing What is Already List Since 2002.
Hey, nice site. ?? What are you using for your photoblog system? Pixelpost? Folderblog? Anyhow, good job.
sleek and elegant – i like it.
Good Work. ?? but the page never shows ‘done’ at the bottom status bar.
it keeps requesting the server for more and more pictures for the header. is it really a good idea ? why dont u preload with just 4 or 5 pics and rotate them. ?
Very nice design. I also like sadish’s idea of only loading 4 or 5 pics and rotating them.
symantix: Photoblog is still running on MT, I will move it to WP when I get a chance.
sadish: I’ll look into it, and thanks for the heads up on my accesskeys =)
Super smooth site. Very nice, slick design. Your portrait snaps are fantastic, dynamic, and impressive.
Very well done.
Thank you very much!