choosing random staff to do a service
sorry for my language, i’m frenchI’m about to purchase appointments+ but i need to know if, once a service is selected by the client, it’s possible to suggest him a random provider to do it.
Actually, all the providers will do the same job. If the client doesn’t select specific provider, i will have to do it myself and i don’t want to spend time to do this. And, i don’t like that the client has to choose his provider because i think it’s not fair (i suppose that the first of the list will have more job…)
Thank you
Hi Mathieu,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
You can use the following Appointments services shortcode along with its autorefresh shortcode so that when the client selects service then appropriate associated service provider gets selected.
[app_services autorefresh="1"]
For random selection of service providers you have to develop custom code.
Please advise if you have more questions.
Kind Regards,
thank you for your answerdI’m not able to develop custom code.
Under what conditions could you do this? If necessary you can contact me on my personal email: mathieu06 [at] free.frRegards
MattHi Matt,
Hope you’re well today!
This actually wouldn’t involve custom code if you just use the shortcode mentioned above. You would just use that shortcode (actually, you can just add the autorefresh=”1″ to your existing app_services shortcode) for that to work.
Have you tried that? Would that work okay for you?
I do hope so, just let us know if that’s not quite what you’re after though. We’ll do our best to help! ??
DavidHi David,
Thank you for your answer,
i spent a bit of time to understand how to use those shortcodes (i’m a beginner in WP) and i just tried. Unfortunatly it’s not what i need, sorry.
Actually, i will have a few providers that can do the same service. So, what i need is that, when the client select the service, an automatic random choice is made between the providers. This random choice must be done with the providers available of course. It’s necessary that this random choice doesn’t need me to do anything: it must be automatic. Once the provider is selected, he receive the email that confirm him the job, etc.Thank you for your support
Let me know what solutions you could suggest.
MathieuHi Mathieu,
I have developed custom code for yout o achieve it.
Use the shortcodes like following in your appointment page. Please note the shortcode app_random_service_providers is a custom developed shortcode that i have developed that selects providers randomly.
[app_random_service_providers] [app_services autorefresh="1"] [app_monthly_schedule]
Add the following code in the functions.php file of your child theme or add it in your site using any of the following plugin. 'app_random_service_providers', 'process_random_service_providers_shortcode'); function process_random_service_providers_shortcode ($args=array(), $content='') { $defaults = array( 'select' => array( 'value' => __('Please choose a service provider:', 'appointments'), 'help' => __('Text above the select menu. Default: "Please select a service"', 'appointments'), 'example' => __('Please choose a service provider:', 'appointments'), ), 'empty_option' => array( 'value' => __('No preference', 'appointments'), 'help' => __('Empty option label for the selection', 'appointments'), 'example' => __('Please, select', 'appointments'), ), 'show' => array( 'value' => __('Show available times', 'appointments'), 'help' => __('Button text to show the results for the selected. Default: "Show available times"', 'appointments'), 'example' => __('Show available times', 'appointments'), ), 'description' => array( 'value' => 'excerpt', 'help' => __('Selects which part of the bio page will be displayed under the dropdown menu when a service provider is selected . Selectable values are "none", "excerpt", "content". Default: "excerpt"', 'appointments'), 'allowed_values' => array('none', 'excerpt', 'content',), 'example' => 'content', ), 'thumb_size' => array( 'value' => '96,96', 'help' => __('Inserts the post thumbnail if page has a featured image. Selectable values are "none", "thumbnail", "medium", "full" or a 2 numbers separated by comma representing width and height in pixels, e.g. 32,32. Default: "96,96"', 'appointments'), 'example' => 'thumbnail', ), 'thumb_class' => array( 'value' => 'alignleft', 'help' => __('css class that will be applied to the thumbnail. Default: "alignleft"', 'appointments'), 'example' => 'my-class', ), 'autorefresh' => array( 'value' => 0, 'help' => __('If set as 1, Show button will not be displayed and page will be automatically refreshed as client changes selection. Note: Client cannot browse through the selections and thus check descriptions on the fly (without the page is refreshed). Default: "0" (disabled)', 'appointments'), 'example' => '1', ), 'order_by' => array( 'value' => 'ID', 'help' => __('Sort order of the service providers. Possible values: ID, name. Optionally DESC (descending) can be used, e.g. "name DESC" will reverse the order. Default: "ID"', 'appointments'), 'example' => 'ID', ), 'service' => array( 'value' => 0, 'help' => __('In some cases, you may want to force to display providers who give only a certain service. In that case enter service ID here. Default: "0" (list is determined by services dropdown). Note: Multiple selections are not allowed.', 'appointments'), 'example' => '12', ), 'require_service' => array( 'value' => 0, 'help' => __('Do not show service provider selection at all until the service has been previously selected.', 'appointments'), 'example' => '1', ), '_noscript' => array('value' => 0), ); $ret = array(); foreach ($defaults as $key => $item) { $ret[$key] = $item['value']; } $defaults = $ret; extract(wp_parse_args($args, $defaults)); if (!empty($require_service) && empty($service) && empty($_REQUEST['app_service_id'])) return $content; global $wpdb, $appointments; $appointments->get_lsw(); if ( !trim( $order_by ) ) $order_by = 'ID'; if ( !$service ) { if ( 0 == $appointments->service ) $workers = $appointments->get_workers( $order_by ); else $workers = $appointments->get_workers_by_service( $appointments->service, $order_by ); // Select only providers that can give this service } else $workers = $appointments->get_workers_by_service( $service, $order_by ); $workers = apply_filters( 'app_workers', $workers ); // If there are no workers do nothing if ( !$workers || empty( $workers) ) return; $script =''; $s = $e = ''; $s .= '<div class="app_workers">'; $s .= '<div class="app_workers_dropdown">'; $s .= '<div class="app_workers_dropdown_title">'; $s .= $select; $s .= '</div>'; $s .= '<div class="app_workers_dropdown_select">'; $s .= '<select name="app_select_workers" class="app_select_workers">'; // Do not show "Anyone" if there is only ONE provider if ( 1 != count( $workers ) ) $s .= '<option value="0">'. $empty_option . '</option>'; $w_count = count( $workers ); $rand_n = rand( 0, ( $w_count - 1 ) ); foreach ( $workers as $key => $worker ) { $worker_description = ''; if ( $appointments->worker == $worker->ID || 1 == count( $workers ) || ( $key == $rand_n ) ) { $d = ''; $sel = ' selected="selected"'; } else { $d = ' style="display:none"'; $sel = ''; } $s .= '<option value="'.$worker->ID.'"'.$sel.'>'. $appointments->get_worker_name( $worker->ID ) . '</option>'; // Include excerpts $e .= '<div '.$d.' class="app_worker_excerpt" id="app_worker_excerpt_'.$worker->ID.'" >'; // Let addons modify worker bio page $page = apply_filters( 'app_worker_page', $worker->page, $worker->ID ); switch ( $description ) { case 'none' : break; case 'excerpt' : $worker_description .= $appointments->get_excerpt( $page, $thumb_size, $thumb_class, $worker->ID ); break; case 'content' : $worker_description .= $appointments->get_content( $page, $thumb_size, $thumb_class, $worker->ID ); break; default : $worker_description .= $appointments->get_excerpt( $page, $thumb_size, $thumb_class, $worker->ID ); break; } $e .= apply_filters('app-workers-worker_description', $worker_description, $worker, $description) . '</div>'; } $s .= '</select>'; $s .= '<input type="button" class="app_workers_button" value="'.$show.'">'; $s .= '</div>'; $s .= '</div>'; $s .= '<div class="app_worker_excerpts">'; $s .= $e; $s .= '</div>'; $s .= '</div>'; if ( isset( $_GET['wcalendar'] ) ) $wcalendar = $_GET['wcalendar']; else $wcalendar = false; // First remove these parameters and add them again to make wcalendar appear before js variable $href = add_query_arg( array( "wcalendar"=>false, "app_provider_id" =>false ) ); $href = apply_filters( 'app_worker_href', add_query_arg( array( "wcalendar"=>$wcalendar, "app_provider_id" => "'+selected_worker" ), $href ) ); if ( $autorefresh ) { $script .= "$('.app_workers_button').hide();"; } $script .= "$('.app_select_workers').change(function(){"; $script .= "var selected_worker=$('.app_select_workers option:selected').val();"; $script .= "if (typeof selected_worker=='undefined' || selected_worker==null){"; $script .= "selected_worker=0;"; $script .= "}"; $script .= "$('.app_worker_excerpt').hide();"; $script .= "$('#app_worker_excerpt_'+selected_worker).show();"; if ( $autorefresh ) { $script .= "var redirection_url='" . $href . " + (!!parseInt(selected_worker, 10) ? '#app_worker_excerpt_'+selected_worker : '');"; $script .= "window.location.href=redirection_url;"; } $script .= "});"; $script .= "$('.app_workers_button').click(function(){"; $script .= "var selected_worker=$('.app_select_workers option:selected').val();"; $script .= "var redirection_url='" . $href . " + (!!parseInt(selected_worker, 10) ? '#app_worker_excerpt_'+selected_worker : '');"; $script .= "window.location.href=redirection_url;"; $script .= "});"; if (!$_noscript) $appointments->add2footer( $script ); return $s; }
If you don’t want to display service provider selection drop down to users then hide it by adding the following CSS code in the style.css file of your child theme or add it in your site using the following plugin.
.app_workers{ display: none !important; }
Best Regards,
I can’t believe you did this!
It’s so nice from you!!!
In french we say “merci mille fois”. So … “thank you one thousand times” ??I’ll try to do this soon and i’ll tell you if everything is OK!
Thank you very much!
MathieuHi @mathieu,
I have to say, that’s an amazing bit of code too! Great to see that works for you and of course, you’re most welcome!
Just let us know if we can be of further help. ??
DavidHi David,
I haven’t tried it yet. in less than 10 days i’ll try it, i’ll tell youthank you for your work!!!
You are most welcome, if we can be of any further assistance please don’t hesitate to ask ??
Hi David,
I feel bad asking you again but we have almost the perfect thing.
So what you did code is great but it needs a little change so that i can use it.
In the company i’m building, all the providers can do the same job but they have different schedules. I want the client to have the maximum choice of time slot.
i need the provider choice (random and automatic) to be made AFTER that the client chooses the time slot. this is essential. Because, actually, with what you did, the client has more or less appointment possibility depending on the provider… :/The second thing i need is that the schedule doesn’t depend anymore of the service that choose the client.The start time must be chosen freely and not imposed by the duration of the appointment.
Indeed, actually, when the client chooses a 30 minute service, the schedule that appears and the time slot suggested are only every 30 minutes. (8H / 8H30 / 9H / …).
I need this schedule to be independent. So that, even if the client wants to book a 2H service, he can book at 8H or 8H15 or 8H45 or 9H.The third thing i will need later (in a few weeks or months) is a different way to dedicate the service to the providers.
2 providers must have more work than the others. So i’ll need a kind of “priority” on 2 providers: when a client book a service, the system must first try to give the job to 2 specifics providers (with a random or alternative choice between those two ones), then, if they are not available, the system search for another provider randomly. This is not a priority.If you can do those things, it’s sure that this plugin will be for me ??
I hope i’ve been clear. I hope you have some time to do this for me.Don’t hesitate to contact me straight with my email (mathieu [arobase] if you want to discuss.
We are VERY interested in this plugin.Regards
MathieuHi Mathieu,
Thank you for your reply.
Indeed, actually, when the client chooses a 30 minute service, the schedule that appears and the time slot suggested are only every 30 minutes. (8H / 8H30 / 9H / …).
I need this schedule to be independent. So that, even if the client wants to book a 2H service, he can book at 8H or 8H15 or 8H45 or 9H.You can achieve this using Appointments Durations add-on which is only available in the following pro version of Appointments plugin and not in this free version.
i need the provider choice (random and automatic) to be made AFTER that the client chooses the time slot
The third thing i will need later (in a few weeks or months) is a different way to dedicate the service to the providers.
2 providers must have more work than the others. So i’ll need a kind of “priority” on 2 providers:This can be achieved developing custom code but developing custom code for custom functionality is beyond the scope of support that we provide.
You can consider hiring a developer to develop it for you.
We do help to develop small custom code as we have helped you in the following reply posted previously in this topic.
Any other issues, we’re here to help ??
thank you for your answer.
I’m OK to use the premium version of appointments +, so i’ll use the duration add-ons of course. Thank you for this good adviceAbout the custom code. do you have any developer to suggest? who should i contact?
MathieuHi @mathieu,
We can’t really recommend a specific developer ourselves but if you get the premium version, you’ll get access to the job boards there as well.
Regarding randomization of the service provider in the way you need, I was wondering if the following shortcode attribute might work for you?
[app_service_providers order_by="rand"]
I’m thinking that maybe you could just hide the service provider selector and just rely on the random selection by that means?
Not sure if that would be feasible, just wanted to mention it though. ??
DavidHi David,
Thank you so much for all your help
I just took the premium Appointments plugin and the “duration” add-on works great.
Now, i’m maybe gonna continue this in the WPMU forum.
So we can say this topic is “solved” and we can close it
thank you
MathieuHi Mathieu,
You are most welcome to the WPMU DEV community.
Thank you for being a WPMU DEV member.
To complete this topic that will help other community members could you please answer the following question asked by David in his previous reply?
Regarding randomization of the service provider in the way you need, I was wondering if the following shortcode attribute might work for you?
Have a fantastic day!
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