remeber most webhosts in the US tend to work through overselling. Cheap and big is not always the best to be honest. You may find man that offer 250mb of space and charge your $15 a month for it, doesn’t mean they’re not competitive, but they offer a different level of service. So you have a host that offers 5gb sapce,80gb bw at $4 a piece (for example) 90% Of the users will never reach the 5gb max, or hit the bandwidth total so it’s very attractive to think you have all that extra space to play with. The majority won’t bother if you do reach the max, as long as you’re jsut below it – however as LunarPages have shown, there are a bunch of bastards out there offering nice packages then kicking you between the legs.
OVerselling hosts are not a bad thing, it’s just many perhaps oversell too much. Currently with – there support so far has been brilliant, having only contacted them twice (both times to set up the account after my previous host did something that delayed things).
But there are many hosts to check out. You can try for a more informal view from actual customers.