Cool! Finally a discussion on multisite cross content. So far only loop & loop-count work with blog=id for me.
I’ve tested with diff conditions with for/each by adding blog=id, and found out if both blog sites has the same CPT, custom tax and exact fields, as long as the child/client site has the term name saved exactly like the main site, it’s able to pull custom tax fields from the main site, while the term’s slug/id make reference to child’s native saved tax.
Another example that I’m using and it’s working for me: *say the main site is blog=1
[for blog=1 each=customtax]
[set cterm][each slug][/set]
[pass vars]
[loop blog=1 type=cptpost taxonomy=customtax term={CTERM} fields=title,desc]
Both for and loop must include blog=id parameter; if either 1 is left out will break the result. I don’t have clear explanation why this happens but that was what I got from my testing results.
If more complicated conditional logic is needed to apply for creating content, the workaround I use is to move the CCS to an external file and then save it as php file in a child theme folder. and then either load the file using get_template_file when using a template file, or use [load] shortcode in text editor.
pls take note applying CCS across multisites will have deep nested [loop] and [for], probably many nested [if] too.
Tips that helps me :
i also discovered by adding – nested syntax eventhough it’s not required will not interfere the contents. But if nested syntax isn’t apply when it is needed definitely breaks the code. So what I do when I create snippets that has a pass: I always add a level down nested syntax to avoid code breaking if code before the snippet has changes such as adding a pass into the whole loop / for.
Then again if the whole thing gets too complicated, always work it out by using the standard wp codex format.