• Resolved ra00f



    Is there a way to display a specific number of random images in the accordion from a large set of images uploaded to the accordion back-end?


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  • Plugin Author Anoop Ranawat



    No such way available to display random images as you need, but you can drag and drop and change the image order from the back end please see screenshot



    Thread Starter ra00f


    Thanks for the reply.

    It would have been very useful if there’s such a feature so that we don’t need to load all the images to the site (and make the website slow). This will also give the user a new experience on his/her each visit to the site.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter ra00f


    I think, I can alter the class-wp-aas-script.php file and add the following code to achieve my target..

    $images = get_post_meta($gallery_id, $prefix.'gallery_id', true);
    foreach( $images as $image ): 	

    But, I believe this is not the right way as I may lose the edits in plugin update.

    Plugin Author Anoop Ranawat



    Right, you can customize the plugin but your changes will lose when the plugin will update.


    Thread Starter ra00f


    Thanks for confirming this.

    One last question on CSS – not related to the topic (Hope it’s okay to ask here)

    In the wp-aas-public.css file, there’s the following rule at the end.

    @media only screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:568px) {
       .wpos-tab-slider .as-layer {

    May I know why this restriction in that specific width?

    Plugin Author Anoop Ranawat



    Everything is not possible to display in small resolution
    If we display everything in small width it will not look good its look Messy like this https://s.nimbusweb.me/share/2438991/l27325fpsp25ieng83ud


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