• Hi,

    is it possible to choose between flip animations / effects? I′m searching for something smoother?

    Also I cannot use your plugin as it throws a 500 error at the post edit screen:
    Declaration of CMB2_Type_Colorpicker::render() must be compatible with CMB2_Type_Text::render($args = Array) in /wp-content/plugins/flip-boxes/CMB2/includes/types/CMB2_Type_Colorpicker.php on line 58″ while reading response header from upstream, request: “GET /wp-admin/post.php?post=1057&action=edit&message=6 HTTP/2.0”.

    Can you please help me to solve the 500er?

    Thanks and regards,

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  • I’m the author of the CMB2 plugin.

    Please see this FAQ on CMB2 regarding embedding CMB2 in a plugin: https://github.com/CMB2/CMB2/wiki/Troubleshooting#fatal-error-declaration-of-cmb2_type_colorpickerrender-or-similar

    The author of this plugin should update the bundled version of CMB2 in their plugin. In the meantime, you can install the CMB2 plugin directly and it should fix the 500 error for you.

    (I am not support for this plugin, so I can’t speak to the other issues)

    Thread Starter benhartwich


    Thanks, how can I disable extra text and read more? Although I′ve removed the string, they are displayed on frontend.

    Hi @yoursql719,

    Thanks for using our plugin.

    If you would like these two fields to not display anything,
    Please replace these line number code with these new one in file “flipboxes.php”.

    Line no. 439:
    //'default' =>'Extra Text',

    Line no. 555:
    $flipbox_label =isset($entry['flipbox_label'])?$entry['flipbox_label']:'';

    Line no. 476:
    // 'default'=>'Read More',

    Line no. 556:
    $read_more_link = isset($entry['read_more_link'])?$entry['read_more_link']:'';

    Feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by baljitdhanjal.
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