• I am currently working on two different sites, one a managed wordpress site. I CAN NOT access my FTP files what so ever. Since I know how to create a child theme from my other site (also with godaddy and wordpress) I know how easy it is when you can access your FTP files. I just talked to the godaddy support line and they told me to download filezilla then input my phpadmin credentials. Thats pretty much the only way to access my FTP …WHAT!!?? Its so easy without the managed wordpress site! I’m not always the most well spoken person so I am hoping that my phrasing was off and the rep was confused at what I was trying to achieve…thus the purpose for this reply. HELP!

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  • I’m confused, too.

    You have two different WordPress sites with GoDaddy. One is a managed WordPress? I don’t know what you mean by that.

    You can use whatever ftp method you have, filezilla is just a free one that anyone can download, and it sounds like they were telling you to use the same login credentials for the ftp that you have in the admin.

    You can usually find this info in the cPanel. Do you have access to that?

    What is it you need help with exactly?

    I think were a bit confused at what your issue might be. No Filezilla is not the only way to manage your site files via FTP. There are tons of programs out there ranging across many different OS.

    For windows (off the top of my head) you can use FileZilla, NotePad++, Sublime Text etc.

    On a Mac – Filezilla, Coda, Sublime Text etc.

    Working from a managed WordPress account versus a standard account is no different. I have a managed WordPress account from MediaTemple. It is “Managed” in the sense that you don’t need to worry about updates, security vulnerabilites and backups. They handle that all for you which is why there is a major increase in price. To my knowledge there is no limitation on how or when you can access your site via FTP.

    Double check that you have the right credentials and try one of the programs listed above. I would recommend Notepad++ or Coda for beginners. Sublime gets a little confusing for the beginner.

    Thread Starter teanerhig


    Sorry for the confusion. SO! The Managed WordPress is offered by godaddy to make it easier for wordpress users to kind of “take away” all of the backend work you would have to do in godaddy. Instead of launching the “web hosting” button in the godaddy account manager I launch a “managed wordpress” button which takes me directly to my wordpress dashboard. This is a really great feature but I cannot access my ftp files in godaddy or wordpress. As of right now, I really cant find my godaddy control panel, this doesn’t lend to creating a child theme in the godaddy backend…like I did with my other site (bringing it up was totally unimportant I just wanted to let everybody know that I actually do know how to create a child theme when I can access my control panel in godaddy).
    I have downloaded filezilla but am not very happy about it.
    I am currently in the process of trying to figure out how to create a child theme in filezilla, for godaddy…in wordpress. Its seems a little convoluted to me.
    The reason my OP is so confusing is because it is a reply to a different post. I was told to create my own thread… so I copy and pasted it.

    The reason your having difficulties is because FileZilla is not a live updating interface. You cant edit live files, hit save and have them automatically re-update.

    The annoyance with Filezilla comes in when you have to DOWNLOAD the files, open them in a third party text editor, save them and then re-upload them back to your server.

    I highly recommend NotePad++ with the NPPFTP plugin installed.

    Have a read through here on how to connect using NotePad++ :

    and a video tutorial will do wonders on how to properly create a child theme , especially your first time around.

    First of all, FileZilla is a great resource to use, regardless of what others may say. However, keep in mind that phpmyadmin credentials may not be the same as the FTP credentials. You would need to go to your GoDaddy control panel (cPanel, Plesk, or whatever control panel you use) and make sure your FTP account info matches what is in your FileZilla host connection credentials.



    I think there is a lot of confusion on this topic. There are however a few ways to go about creating a child theme on GoDaddy Managed WordPress. You can opt to use an FTP like Filezilla, however there is a much easier way. This is why I decided to post.
    First of all, with regular GoDaddy you can use your file manager. Managed WordPress you cannot access your directory. So, if you can add a new theme to your Themes panel in the WordPress dashboard then you can do this. If you follow these directions carefully you will be amazed at how simple it is.

    For this example lets use Child Theme 2012. For other themes its the same process, just use that file name
    1. Create a folder and name it Child_2012
    2. Create a style.css file in Text Wrangler or Notepad++ (Whatever text editor you prefer)
    3. Ensure that you input the following into the CSS File. Note: Where its says Template: This must be exactly as it is on the Theme. If not sure just check the URL. Below the Flower-box you have to input the @import url(“../twentytwelve/style.css”); (See Below). Make sure its outside the Flower-box. See step four (4) for giving the theme thumbnail a custom image

    Theme Name: Child of 2012
    Description: Cool Child of 2012
    Author: Jason Moroney
    Version: 0.0.1

    @import url(“../twentytwelve/style.css”);

    4. Save the CSS File. Create a custom image in Photoshop or wherever you choose. Size the image 880X660 and save it as screenshot.png.
    5. Because you cannot access the directory to save this folder with the CSS file and the image, we have to do the following:
    a. Save Child-2012 Folder and then compress it
    b. Go to your WordPress Dashboard
    c. Go to Appearance
    d. Go to Themes
    e. Add New
    f. Upload Theme
    g. Choose File (Select the zip file Child_2012)
    Note: Because this is managed WordPress the file will uploaded to your directory in the File Manager
    h. You will see the Theme created inside your Themes Panel with the image you created
    i. Activate the Themeand now when you make your edits you wont have to worry about updates to the Parent theme wiping out your site.

    This sounds like a lot, but once you create that first CSS file and Folder you can just copy and repeat the process for any theme. Just changing the name and the URL link name. From there its as simple as adding a new theme to your Themes panel. Hope this helps.




    Using @import is no longer considered best practice for Child Themes – please see:


    It would be helpful if you could update your post accordingly :)!

    I understand this question. I have never used the managed WordPress before, but my client signed up for it, so there you go. I uploaded customized theme files via WordPress Dashboard. Now I need to make some tweaks to the theme files. I have set up ftp, I’m in, aaaand… where the heck are the WordPress files??? That’s the problem. How to access the WordPress files via ftp (or even just through the GoDaddy dashboard) for a Managed WordPress account?


    The WordPress files you will have to edit will be the theme files in which they can be found by going to the wp-content folder then the themes folder then select the folder that has the name of the theme you are using. Keep in mind if you want to edit these files, be sure to use a child theme.

    That stuff I know, I’ve been doing this a while. Rest assured, I use child themes. Genesis framework and some pretty sweet ones I’ve customized the heck out of. I also know how to go into the files via ftp and find what I need.

    What I can’t figure out is where in GoDaddy’s Managed WordPress, not the regular WordPress hosting, to find the wp-content folder. With the regular GoDaddy you just log in, you can go to Hosting, then go look at the files, find wp-content, and you’re good to go. I have a number of client sites I’ve got set up this way, no problem.

    However, Managed WordPress is designed to make it super easy for the end user, almost fool-proof, but it makes it a little more difficult for developers. With Managed WordPress, where do even go to find the correct files in the first place? I can’t even find them via ftp. Starting to feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall.

    Also, before someone else suggets it, yes, I know it is in the html files. Where do I access those?

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

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