It is resolved because there is no issue. As mentioned before, when you create a child theme properly, it will work without any issues. Please keep in mind that child themes are default WordPress functionality and the theme does not affect that.
We just even took took the time to create a child theme for testing purposes (although not necessary) and as expected, it worked immediately out of the box….
Here are the entries in the style.css of the child theme:
Theme Name: MH Purity lite Child Theme
Theme URI:
Author: MH Themes
Author URI:
Template: mh-purity-lite
Description: MH Purity lite Child Theme.
Version: 1.0.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
@import url("../mh-purity-lite/style.css");
As mentioned in the first answer of this thread, of course you should always make sure that the paths are correct and that you’ve added the template of the parent theme properly “Template: mh-purity-lite
“. When you don’t create a child theme properly, the theme can’t help it. ??