• Hi all,
    I have a big doubt regarding the last updates offered either by WP and by some installed plugins.
    Till now I always accepted auto-updates, but this time I’m not sure if this should be safe for me (and ask you experts of WP, thanks in advance).

    This is my first experience with WP: till now I always made our sites writing them in html and (in past) with swf.
    I’m preparing a web site for my wife (extremely long and sophisticated): started from a child of TwentySeventeen (and at this point after some months don’t change all, indeed!).

    But modified practically all style: since s/one told me that my explanation was not sufficient, please accept my below details (kindly sorry if long examples).

    Since I’m already based on a Child of Twenty Seventeen, to avoid to modify the php’s inside the Child folders I used a way to personalize all via CSS (all in one long external CSS sheet).
    Wxample of my mod’s (all via CSS):
    screen resolution, pages columns (different per each page), header (height, details), typography (global), …
    all buttons & inputs shape, colur, hover and effects, social icons shape & effects (eg. rotate when hover), …
    pages: bbpress forum fully modified (colours, columns, measures, char.s, effects), bbp plugins,
    etc. etc.
    also with some tricks like:
    “sometext transparent”, then “sometext:after content: (re-written)” and “backwarded (negative margin)”
    and many other similar tricks to change Twenty Seventeen Child aspect.


    Now the point is:
    – if I install the updates and there are some modifications that no longer match with my css mod’s?
    it should be a disaster for me!
    – what do to?
    if after installed the new updates this causes a disaster: “is there a way to revert back to the previous versions”?
    (or the only solution which I have is to manually upload a backup of the previous?)

    Thank you and sorry for the loooong story.
    I remain pending until received an helping hand on “what to decide”.


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  • Hi!

    The best and safest way to test that is creating a copy of your site somewhere else, not visible to actual visitors, and there test if updates break something or not. If you have done everything in your child’s theme and have not modified the original theme it is probably OK the retrocompatibility is a WordPress big concern, but well, better safe then sorry right?

    There is a text explaining how to set up an development env that can help you out. In doubt you can always come back here ??

    Thread Starter Mauro Vicariotto


    Great Felipe, thank you!
    I will follow the explanations and try:
    Thank you very much.

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