The code above looks fine so I would suggest looking at your child-theme’s style.css file to ensure it is set correctly (particularly the template reference).
~ Cais.
* Theme Name: Basic Child
* Theme URI:
* Description: Basic is fully responsive, clean and minimal WordPress theme. It has various options in WordPress Customizer to change look of the theme - primary design color, background and header, page layout (left or right sidebar, full or centered content). Clean valid code, semantic markup, markup by, full adaptation to mobile devices. Basic is ready to use with child themes and gives for developers simple design change with custom hooks and action. Translation Ready (English, Russian, Ukrainian, French, German, Polish, Turkish). Fully compatible with WPML, WooCommerce, bbPress.
* Author: WP Puzzle
* Author URI:
* Template: basic
* Version: 1.3.10
* License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
* License URI:
* Tags: two-columns, one-column, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, sticky-post, threaded-comments, translation-ready, microformats
* Text Domain: basic-child
It’s copy pasted from the parent except for the extra Template line. I believe I have followed every step in that tutorial which is why I am not sure what I am doing wrong!
]]>This is the one I use…
Once you’ve created the child theme you can deactivate and remove the plugin if you wish.
Don’t let the warning message scare you. It either works or it doesn’t but I’ve been using it all along and it just worked for me last week.
]]>I’m going to take a quick shot in the dark and guess it is this theme:
I just tried on a local installation and was able to get things to work. Are there any other files besides the functions.php
and style.css
that you have created?
@jcastaneda No other files, just those 2!
]]>Have you tried deactivating all plugins to see if that could work? Not sure why but it is worth a shot.