• Theme customized: no
    Theme version: 3.2.8
    Child theme: yes (only style.css)
    Site: https://www.lesissambres.nl

    Shortly, the Hueman Color settings (under General Design options) stopped working. All plugins are up to date, tried deactivating and activating them one by one, removed old Child theme and made a new one today (using Child Themify)… all to no avail. I can see all color settings, and in the customizer they show up in the desired color, saving them one by one shows the right colors in the preview pane, but once I save all theme settings, nothing happens. There is no caching tool installed.

    Please advice me on this, thanks.

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  • Hi espace66. Welcome to the Hueman forum. The title of your post would indicate that you have custom CSS in your child theme style.css file that isn’t working. However, I don’t see any custom code in that file. It sounds like you have the theme option “Dynamic Styles” enabled but I don’t see that code being loaded either. What I do see is a few lines of CSS being loaded in an inline style with an id of “custom-css-css”; I’m guessing this is from one of your plugins. I see that you said you’ve deactivated all your plugins but you didn’t say if that fixed the issue. If you don’t want to deactivate them all again (which is understandable since it affects you site, but that’s the normal troubleshooting process) then I would try deactivating whatever plugin is producing that CSS code to see if that’s interfering with the theme being able to load the dynamic styles.

    Thread Starter Espace66


    Hi bdbrown,
    thanks for your swift answer. A few answers/remarks:
    – I do use some custom CSS, but that’s in a separate file using JetPack. It only contains some minor adjustments, nothing that should interfere with the theme settings. Just moved that CSS to the child theme style.css, but can’t see any difference, the colors are still not changed
    – What you mention about the Dynamic Styles not being loaded is weird… just now deactivated all plugins again, but no results: all colors I picked from the Dynamics Styles don’t show

    So no change yet. Any clues?

    I see the jetback CSS is no longer being loaded. Your child theme style.css file is active. What styles there are not being applied?

    Re: Dynamic Styles – have you tried unchecking the option, closing the Customizer, then going back in and reactivating Dynamic Styles?

    Thread Starter Espace66


    Hi bdbrown,
    yes, disabled the JetPack CSS and moved my styles to the child theme. All of those styles (whether they were in JetPack or in the child theme style.css) did work correctly, it was just the Dynamic Styles settings that did not work… Did not work, since after todays Hueman update and your advice to turn the Dynamic Styles off, closing Customizer and then enabling the Styles again, suddenly all colors are back in place.
    Hueman update alone didn’t fix this (was still dark default color scheme), but your advice did. So thanks, think this is solved.

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