• Resolved cathay98


    I was trying to create a child theme.After I created a style.css under the virtue child folder, i went to the theme under appearance to activate the child theme, but it is not activatable, i got this:

    Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Name Description
    virtue-child Stylesheet is missing.
    How I should create the stylesheet and template? I am a newbie, appreciate it if you can guide me the details of each stop. Many thanks!

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  • Thread Starter cathay98


    What is the right way to create a style.css for the child theme?
    Is this right?
    Theme Name: Virtue child theme
    Theme URI: https://kadencethemes.com/product/virtue-free-theme/
    Description: The Virtue theme is extremely versatile with tons of options, easy to customize and loaded with great features. The clean modern design is built with html5 and css3 and uses the powerful responsive framework from Bootstrap to be a fully responsive and mobile friendly. It’s fully ecommerce (Woocommerce) ready with all the tools you need to design an awesome online store. The versatile design is perfect for any kind of business, online store, portfolio or personal site. We built Virtue with a powerful options panel where you can set things like your home layout, sliders, custom fonts, and completely customize your look without writing any CSS. You are going to love how easy this theme is to work with. Virtue was built and designed by Kadence Themes.
    Version: 2.1.6
    Author: Kadence Themes
    Author URI: https://kadencethemes.com/
    Tags: responsive-layout, two-columns, one-column, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-images, translation-ready, theme-options, photoblogging


    License: GNU General Public License v3.0
    License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

    @import url(‘../virtue/style.css’);

    Yes that above would work if placed in the styles.css file of the child theme.

    You can also just add this and it will work:

    Theme Name: Virtue Child Theme
    Theme URI: https://themes.kadencethemes.com/virtue/
    Description: Child Theme for Virtue
    Author: Kadence Themes
    Author URI: https://kadencethemes.com/
    Template: virtue
    Version: 1.0

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter cathay98


    Thanks it works!

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