• Resolved Ringbit


    I’m new to WP and have chosen to use GeneratePress as my parent theme. How do I go about making and installing a child theme? From what I’ve been reading it is highly recommended.

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  • JenR


    Thread Starter Ringbit


    Thanks JenR.

    Theme Author Tom


    Make sure to not include the standard @import line recommended in that article.

    GP includes the parent stylesheet in a much more efficient way ??

    Let me know if you have any other questions!

    Thread Starter Ringbit


    I’m getting an error on the “themes” dashboard page.

    Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Name Description
    generatepress.1.2.3 Stylesheet is missing.

    Also what do I do with the child once it’s generated?




    Make sure to not include the standard @import line recommended in that article.

    It’s been updated – so doesn’t say that anymore :). BTW, I answered this thread before I saw what a terrific level of support you provide – I’d have likely left it to you. Looks like a great theme too.

    @ringbit – after I posted the above, I started wondering if you really even need a child theme – looks like there are so many theme options, you can do a lot that way. Of course, there’s no harm in setting one up and it’s definitely better to do it now rather than later, but just a thought.

    Theme Author Tom



    Either you don’t have the parent theme installed, or you didn’t add the following to the header of your child theme’s CSS file:

    Template: generatepress

    You only need a child theme if you’ll be adding your own custom CSS and functions.


    Nice! Glad the @import suggestion is gone!

    And no worries! The quicker the user can get an answer the better ??


    Thread Starter Ringbit


    I’m a little confused…After reading some more GP is a framework, right? If I make changes will they not be lost if the version gets updated? I thought that was the reason for a child theme or am I wrong?

    BTW-Thanks for being patient…newbie to WP.

    Theme Author Tom


    Framework, theme, same thing basically.

    The only changes you’ll lose on update are changes made to the core code of the theme, which you should never have to do.

    All the customizations through the Dashboard won’t be touched when you update ??

    Theme Author Tom


    Were you able to figure this out? ??

    Theme Author Tom


    Going to go ahead and mark this as resolved.

    If you have any more questions let me know ??

    Always glad to read your comments anywhere Tom. This support is what makes GeneratePress the top WP theme out there.

    I have two major GP sites on the go and forgot to make make a Child Theme on the one. Rather than make it late I decided to not make one and just use hooks as you provide in the GP Premium pack for a very reasonable cost. With that I use JetPack’s “Edit CSS” for my many CSS additions as well as the ones you suggest.

    I presume JS and PHP can be used in a hook or are they better in a plugin??


    Theme Author Tom


    JS can be used in hooks if it’s theme related.

    For PHP we have this article: https://generatepress.com/knowledgebase/adding-php-functions/

    Glad you’re enjoying GP ??

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