• Hi, Im developing a multisite. My main site is marko-josipovic.com and I have created a child site which is music.marko-josipovic.com. I have activated the theme and plugins BUT when I visit the child site its simply not working. It just shows empty subdomain, powered by VESTA stuff, but no wordpress tracks…I wonder if I need to run a wordpress instalation on each of my child sites as well??

    Please help…:(

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • You need to tell Vesta to point that domain at your root site which is possibly public_html but will be whatever directory your main site uses.

    As long as you have your multisite working and mapped correctly internally the subsite should then start working!

    In Vesta that should be under Web then domain and set to ‘default’ or exactly as set for your main domain under Apache.

    Once you get it working you might want to double check for the Nginx proxy on that domain. That should be on if provided.

    Just install as usual. First create a subdomain, then install a new wp

    I have the same problem
    [link redacted]

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by bcworkz.
    Moderator bcworkz


    @robaticschool — Please do not make “me too” replies in these forums. Instead, create a new topic. It’s rare that the same symptoms will need the same solution and we want to focus on the OP’s issue here. If your issue really is identical, you can follow along without adding needless replies. In this case, JNashHawkins’ suggestion is correct.

    Thread Starter anastasiaj


    @jnashhawkins Thank you! I checked the Vesta, there is no option under Web to point my subdomains to the domain…BUT I wrote to technical support of my VPS and they said that some additional DNS should be added. And they did it, saying that now the subdomains point to the IP address of my domain. BUT IT DIDNT HELP…:( My subdomains still show Powered by Vesta…They said that the problem is in the configuration of my site…I dont have any idea of what it can be…Do you have some thoughts?

    I have no idea what DNS changes they might have made but if you enter the complete subdomain name and still get the Vesta Page welcome page then I suspect Vesta doesn’t quite know what to do with your subdomain name. Same place we were before if I’m not mistaken.

    When you login to the VestaCP you will see ‘Web’…

    When Web is selected it will be red! If you click the green + sign below Web when it is red you’ll see a form to add that domain or subdomain…

    Add that subdomain there.

    Also double-check the IP offered is the right one. It should be the public IP as already set in your DNS record already. I’m suspecting the support person at your webhost decided the Vesta needed to handle your DNS for you instead of whoever else was doing it.

    The two reasons you’ll see ‘Powered By VestaCP’ or any other placeholder is either the CP doesn’t know where to properly route the requests for that subdomain or that subdomain is aliased into a subdirectory.

    Having a control panel means you need to tell the control panel what it should do.

    @charmhado This OP is trying to use the multisite capabilities in WordPress so they won’t need to create a subdirectory and won’t need to install a second WordPress there.

    Though what you suggested is right for subdomains if there is no multisite.

    Thread Starter anastasiaj


    @jnashhawkins Hi, thanks for trying to help ?? On my Vesta I do have the option to choose the IP address, but on my PVS I only have 1 IP address. And its on all my domains and subdomains. So as soon as I have only 1 IP address, there is no options available to choose from on Vesta…Also there is no option to point to public_http…Here are the settings I have:

    Domain: guitar.marko-josipovic.com
    Ip address:
    Aliases: https://www.guitar.marko-josipovic.com
    Web Template HTTPD: php71
    Proxy Support NGINX: checkd on
    Proxy template: http2

    Maybe the problem is that on that IP address I have several domains? Can it be that?

    Thank you a lot once again!

    Sorry, I missed this earlier…

    My server has two IP addresses… I suspect the one is a local IP while the other is public. I had to select the one that pointed to my VestaCP before my first domain started working. As long as it’s the same (The CP’s IP and the one selected) you should be good.

    I think you might need to swap out the package set from default to basedir to cause ‘guitar’ to point to the root directory where your WordPress resides.

    I’m surprised your host didn’t help you set that when they did the rest of what they did to try and help.

    That may also require a tweak of the template for that domain name.

    And it may require some other tweak yet.

    If need be, I’ll try to duplicate a set up here on my Cloud server with VestaCP like you need. Let me know if you need me to do that and figure it might take me a while to get to it.

    Thread Starter anastasiaj


    @jnashhawkins Hi, thank you for prompt reply! Well I tried to change the default to basedir..but it didn’t help…Well I actually dont know what to do more…I know that I can just install another wordpress and copy everything from the main site, but the thing is that I wanted my main site to show the recent posts from my child sites…And as long as I know this is possible only with the proper configuration of multisite, which I cant configure…

    Anyway I really appreciate your help! You are magic! I really dont feel good to ask you to do more things, Im sure you have more interesting stuff to do hehe! So maybe I just quit this idea of showing the recent posts on my child sites and the problem is gone.

    Thank you once again, really!

    Thanks also to all the community:)

    Okay, I’m going to ‘back burner’ this for a bit while I work on a few other things but I’ll be needing to work through this sometime soon on my own VestaCP.

    In the meantime you can try that second WordPress install as you can migrate that site later to a multisite if you ever get the multisite’s domain mapping working using the first site.

    So, go ahead and try that and start a new thread if you need help with that setup.

    If Vesta still proves to be a problem of some sort with that setup maybe I’ll have some better ideas then or will have done both setups here.

    I’ve enjoyed working with you on this and it is no undue burden for any of us to look at a problem as this is how we learn things, help others, help ourselves, and improve WordPress.

    Let us know if you need anything else.

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