• Hi there,

    I just learned how to make a website by myself so everything still really hard for me to understand.
    Currently my web use Homywhite theme by Eyoung. I wonder how I can make a little emotional face next to the Vietdes.org disappear. I deleted Emotions files in /htdocs/news/wp-content/themes/homywhite/images/emotions, however, the word “Emotions” appears instead of a little emotional face.
    Also , I am wondering what the different between pages and categories. and How to delete categories or pages ( is it possible to rename the word “categories” )
    Any comment will be appreciated.

    thanks for reading my post

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  • the images are located here:


    the style is here in the css:

    logoImage {

    the random image is being called from header.php :

    <div id="headerTitle">
    <h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a><img class="logoImage" src="<?php get_random_imgurl_in_dir('images/emotions'); ?>" alt="emotion" title="See what?" /></h1>
    Thread Starter tdoan12416


    excuse me, can you explain it again and more clearly cause I am new.
    What can I do in order to delete the emotions without making the word “emotions” appears instead of the images of emotions

    Ok try this. Open your header.php file and look for this line:

    <h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a><img class="logoImage" src="<?php get_random_imgurl_in_dir('images/emotions'); ?>" alt="emotion" title="See what?" /></h1>

    Delete that. Or just delete the word emotion inside the alt tag so it reads alt=””

    Remove only this;

    <img class="logoImage" src="<?php get_random_imgurl_in_dir('images/emotions'); ?>" alt="emotion" title="See what?" />
    Thread Starter tdoan12416


    yep, I got it, thanks you really much, I feel really excited. Once again, thanks you really much.
    Also, could you help me answer these questions above?

    Thread Starter tdoan12416


    what I did is remove the word emotion inside the alt tag. then I delete this file //www.vietdes.org/news/wp-content/themes/homywhite/images/emotions/

    A little different, however; I really appreciated you guys help.



    is it possible to rename the word “categories” )

    Open the themes sidebar.php. On line 54 find this;

    <?php wp_list_categories('show_count=1&title_li=<h2>Categories</h2>'); ?>

    I think if you change the word “Categories” between the h2 tags to whatever you like and save the changes, then refresh your browser, you should see the change.

    Good luck to you.

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