• I upgraded my WooCommerce to 2.1, and now get a funny redirect code after submission of credit card info.
    Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry.<\/li>\n\t\t\t
    Sorry, your session has expired. Return to homepage →<\/a><\/li>\n\t\t\t
    First Name<\/strong> is a required field.<\/li>\n\t\t\t
    Last Name<\/strong> is a required field.<\/li>\n\t\t\t
    Address<\/strong> is a required field.<\/li>\n\t\t\t
    Town\/City<\/strong> is a required field.<\/li>\n\t\t\t
    Postcode<\/strong> is a required field.<\/li>\n\t\t\t
    Country<\/strong> is a required field.<\/li>\n\t\t\t
    Email Address<\/strong> is a required field.<\/li>\n\t\t\t
    Phone<\/strong> is a required field.<\/li>\n\t<\/ul>”,”refresh”:”false”}

    I understand that a Thank you page can solve this problem. Anyone care to walk me through it? Thanks!

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  • Thank you page will not solve your problem.

    In WooCommerce 2.1 pages like thank you, Checkout->pay etc. are replaced by endpoints.

    Check for payment gateway plugin updates to take care of this.

    Thread Starter bahbondo1


    Thanks for the reply, I see no available updates for my payment gateway.

    I guess you need to ask them for 2.1 compatibility

    Is there any other way to do this? We are getting the same exact error message. The plugin will not be upgraded to support 2.1. The orders ARE going through, just throwing that ugly error afterwards…. Any workarounds at all for this???

    get_permalink for the pay page is to be replaced with $order->get_checkout_payment_url( true );


    Hi,Create and new page named as “Thankyou” from admin-panel and put this short code in it [woocommerce_thankyou]
    than publish that page with default template
    than its works fine if it is not working than Go to woocommerece plugin >> setting >> pages
    than add thankyou page in thanks feild and save it than your issue will resolved.


    Hi I have integrated ccavenue payment gateway on my website.Some users are not being redirected to ccavenue page after they fill the details in check out page correctly.I checked using admin as well as by registering as nave on my website but was successfully done.So may i know why for some users it is redirecting correctly while for some it redirects back to checkout page .Any settings of browser need to be changed .Please help me out on this guys

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