• Resolved antya63


    Hi, I’ve been looking at solutions to stop the hundreds of spam comments I have recently started to receive weekly, but all the plugins I’ve evaluated seem to be breaking sites, prevent sales, slowing down sites, stopping admin access, causing self IP blocks, etc. As I’m not at all tech-savvy, I cannot risk issues that would stop my blog site functioning or prevent customers from purchasing.

    Your plugin seems promising, however, despite the few reviews. Can you please be so kind as to confirm that my e-Store set up would not be affected in any way? I am just starting up my small business, so I really cannot afford to lose sales.
    I’m using WP-eStore by tipsandtricks-hq.com

    I’d be more than happy to donate to support your work.
    Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Gulshan Kumar



    Thanks for reaching out to me.

    I think you can use this plugin for preventing spam comments on your blog posts.

    …. but all the plugins I’ve evaluated seem to be breaking sites, prevent sales, slowing down sites, stopping admin access, causing self IP blocks, etc.

    I understand your concern. Please be assured, this plugin is safest and carefully developed.

    It has simple four steps logic (have a look) that applies only for the default commenting system of WordPress and nothing else. So, I think it will never break anything.

    Should you’ve any more questions please feel free to ask.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Thread Starter antya63


    Thank you! I’ll test it for a while and if all is well I will gladly buy you a VERY LARGE coffee!

    Plugin Author Gulshan Kumar


    Thanks for your kind support.

    I hope Forget Spam Comment plugin is working well at your site and keeping you focused at primary task such as content creation.

    If you are really happy with this plugin, you may share a review and help other users in understanding the value of this plugin.

    If you ever need any help, feel free to contact again.

    Thanks once again!

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