• Resolved JustBruno


    Hi, I am using refer a friend plugin @ https://wpgens.com/downloads/refer-a-friend-for-woocommerce-premium/ getting a known threat @ /plugins/wpgens-refer-a-friend-premium/includes/class-wpgens-raf-user.php .

    Can you confirm or is that a false positive?

     * Manages WordPress Meme Shortcode options.
    class WPGens_RAF_User
         * @var string
        private $user_id;
         * Constructor.
         * @param array $options
        public function __construct( $user_id ){
            $this->user_id = $user_id;
            $this->hide_no_orders = get_option( 'gens_raf_hide_no_orders' );
            $this->hide_no_orders_text = get_option( 'gens_raf_hide_no_orders_text' );
         * Load the plugin options from WordPress.
         * @return WPGens_RAF_User
        public function get_referral_id() {
            if ( !$this->user_id ) {
                return false;
            if($this->hide_no_orders === "yes") {
                $customer_orders = get_posts( array(
                    'numberposts' => 1,
                    'meta_key'    => '_customer_user',
                    'meta_value'  => $this->user_id,
                    'post_type'   => wc_get_order_types(),
                    'post_status' => array( 'wc-processing', 'wc-completed' )
                ) );
                if(count($customer_orders) < 1) {
                    return $this->hide_no_orders_text;
            $referral_id = get_user_meta($this->user_id, "gens_referral_id", true);
            if($referral_id && $referral_id != "") {
                return apply_filters('wpgens_raf_code', $referral_id);
            } else {
                    $referral_id = $this->generate_referral_id();
                } while ($this->exists_ref_id($referral_id));
                update_user_meta( $this->user_id, 'gens_referral_id', $referral_id );
                return apply_filters('wpgens_raf_code', $referral_id);
         * Check if ID already exists
         * @since    2.0.0
         * @return string
        public function exists_ref_id($referral_id) {
            $args = array('meta_key' => "gens_referral_id", 'meta_value' => $referral_id );
            if (get_users($args)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
         * Generate a new Referral ID
         * @since    2.0.0
         * @return string
        function generate_referral_id($randomString="ref")
            $characters = "0123456789";
            for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
                $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)];
            return $randomString;
         * Get number of referrals for a user
         * @since    2.0.0
         * @return   string
        public function get_number_of_referrals() {
            $number = get_user_meta($this->user_id, "gens_num_friends", true);
            if(!empty($number)) {
                return $number;
            } else {
                return 0;
         * Generate referral URL for front end(product tab,shortcode & my account page)
         * @since    2.0.0
         * @return   string
        public function generate_referral_url($type,$url = NULL) 
            if($this->hide_no_orders === "yes") {
                $customer_orders = get_posts( array(
                    'numberposts' => 1,
                    'meta_key'    => '_customer_user',
                    'meta_value'  => $this->user_id,
                    'post_type'   => wc_get_order_types(),
                    'post_status' => array( 'wc-processing', 'wc-completed' )
                ) );
                if(count($customer_orders) < 1) {
                    return $this->hide_no_orders_text;
            global $wp;
            $referral_id = $this->get_referral_id();
            $link = get_home_url();
            switch ($type) {
                case 'product_tab':
                    $refLink = esc_url(home_url(add_query_arg(array('raf' => $referral_id),trailingslashit($wp->request))));
                case 'shortcode':
                    if($url) {
                        $link = $url;
                    $refLink = esc_url(add_query_arg( 'raf', $referral_id, trailingslashit($link) ));
                    $my_account_url = get_option( 'gens_raf_my_account_url' );
                    if($my_account_url != "") {
                        $link = $my_account_url;
                    $refLink = esc_url(add_query_arg( 'raf', $referral_id, trailingslashit($link) ));
            // If its a guest and cookie is set?
            if(!is_user_logged_in() && isset($_COOKIE['gens_raf_guest'])) {
                $refLink = $refLink .'?raf='.$_COOKIE['gens_raf_guest'];
            if(isset($_GET['order']) && !is_user_logged_in()) {
                $order = new WC_Order( $_GET['order'] );
                $user_email = ( version_compare( WC_VERSION, '2.7', '<' ) ) ? $order->billing_email : $order->get_billing_email();  
                $refLink = $refLink .'?raf='.$user_email;
            return apply_filters('wpgens_raf_link', $refLink, $referral_id, $type);
         * Create referral code on new user registration, in case someone needs meta fields for mailchimp and such, 
         * otherwise its created when customer checks page with referral link.
         * @since 2.0.0
        public static function new_user_add_referral_id( $user_id ) {
            $referral = new WPGens_RAF_User($user_id);
         * Increase referrals number on every success RAF order. 
         * @since 2.0.0
        public static function set_number_of_referrals( $user_id ) {
            if(!filter_var($user_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                $referral = new WPGens_RAF_User($user_id);
                $num_friends_refered = $referral->get_number_of_referrals();
                update_user_meta( $user_id, 'gens_num_friends', (int)$num_friends_refered + 1 );
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  • Plugin Author Eli


    I cannot confirm without more information. The code you provided here does not actually match any of the known threats in my current definitions so I can only image a few possible explanations for it being detected as a threat on your system:

    1. The code posted may not be an exact match for the code that is actually being identified as a threat. To rule this out please make sure that this code is from the same copy of the same file in the same path modified at the exact same time as the suspected file in question (it should not be the original installation file, or a backup file, or the same file but from another site or another directory, or any other version of that file other than the one that was detected).

    2. It also be that the code here got altered somehow when copying and pasting onto this forum. Try emailing me the file in question as an attachment: eli AT gotmls DOT net

    3. It is also possible that there is some kind of Regular Expression bug in your version of PHP or you may have an older version of the definition. Please let me know what version of PHP you are running on your server, and what version of the plugin you have, and also what version of the definition you have downloaded on this site.

    You can also click on the file listed in red on the Scan Results to view the potential threat in the file. You can then click on the numbered threats found at the top of that popup winder to highlight the suspected code. If you just hover over that numbered link without clicking then it will tall you the name of the threat that was detected. If you can send my that information as well then it would help me tremendously in troubleshooting this issue for you.

    Plugin Author Eli


    Just wanted to follow up here and say that I received a copy of this file in it’s entirety and was able to confirm that it is in fact not malicious, so I have updated my definitions to omit this pattern from my scans while still being able to detect the original pattern that is similar to this class but used in a malicious way. Please download the latest definition updates so you can run the complete scan again without flagging this plugin file to be quarantined. If you have already quarantined this file then you can restore it from the Anti-Malware Quarantine page in your wp-admin.

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