First of all let me say that I think it is not really important if the checkbox is above or below the submit button. Is it? If the user does not check it he/she will get an error message. No data will be sent until the check.
Anyway, a not really satisfying solution is to replace the StCR plugin somewhere else in the comment form (e.g bleow the submit button). I used a comment form hook to do this (sse FAQ: Can I move the subscription checkbox to another position?)
1. Set the “Enable default checkbox” option in the admin panel of StCR (2nd Tab: Comment Form) to “No” (…/wp-admin/admin.php?page=stcr_comment_form)
2. place the hook into your functions.php
// Subscribe to comments reloaded: reloacate
add_action ('comment_form_after', 'comment_form_after_hook');
function comment_form_after_hook(){
global $wp_subscribe_reloaded; if (isset($wp_subscribe_reloaded)){ $wp_subscribe_reloaded->stcr->subscribe_reloaded_show(); }
See how it works:
If this doesn’t work you probably need to replace your Anti-spam protection plugin, too, which is not satisfying at all, right. To fight spam you may think about to switch to AntiSpam Bee. (, DSGVO compliant with basic settings, I like it)
Btw. you also have to request the confirmation of a user subscribing to commets as his/her email adress will be stored. At least you have to inform him/her that it is stored. No?