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  • Yes, the login and registration sadly has to be handled separately. The good news is that since GF allows HTML and shortcodes in the text area to show when the user is not logged in, you can pretty much code the solution right there.

    How I dealt with it:

    1)Install Easy Modal Plugin
    2)Create 3 modals (Login, Password Recovery and Registration)
    3)Form Settings>Require Login Message: you can use something like:

    <h1>Registration Required</h1>
    <p>You must first register in order to fill the form. If you already registered and want to start a new application and/or continue an old one, please enter your login information and click the login button.</p>
    <p>Otherwise enter a username an your email address to receive your new account password</p>
    [button id="" class="eModal eModal-9" align="" link="" linkTarget="_self" bgColor="accent2" font="24" icon="" icon_placement="left" icon_color=""]Login[/button]
    [button id="" class="eModal eModal-11" align="" link="" linkTarget="_self" bgColor="accent2" font="24" icon="" icon_placement="left" icon_color=""]Recover Password[/button]
    [button id="" class="eModal eModal-10" align="" link="" linkTarget="_self" bgColor="accent2" font="24" icon="" icon_placement="left" icon_color=""]Register[/button]

    You can see this solution over here:

    This is just one way, another pretty creative way is to install Short Code Exec PHP. Create a nice PHP code on it and then just use the shortcode.

    Nordov – Man, I appreciate the stuff you’ve included in this thread. It has helped. However, I have a question or two for you:

    1) I’ve installed the Gravity User Registration Add-On and created a Registration Form. But how do I implement Login and Recover Password forms that are related to the User Registration or even the multipage form I’m requiring the registration to complete? I seem to be missing something in how continuing with the multipage form is tied to registering.

    2) I can’t get a button shortcode to work to pop the modal for my life. The class gets overwritten every time so the modal will not pop.

    Hi nordov,

    The checkbox is now working as it should. thank you.
    I have noticed that when filling the form out if i refresh the page it retains the data i put in the fields.

    What i want it to do is when i log out or close the tab, the data is still there when i log in. is this possible? therefore allowing me to half fill the form and complete it on a later date.

    Its not working with the plugin “Gravity Forms Data Persistence Add-On”

    I do wish this plugin was integrated into Gravity Forms or updated more regularly as its such a crucial feature for long forms quiet honestly. Thanks for the fix here nordov saved me literally ??

    Hi all,

    I too need this funcionality and am updating the plugin to work with the most recent version of Gravity Forms.


    Thanks you for the quick fix on the
    add_action(“gform_advanced_settings”, “editor_script_persistency”);

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