• Resolved dschmidtke


    A checkbox with required attribute as well as the GDPR form element do not validate when checked.

    Steps to reproduce in Formello 2.2.2:

    • Create a new contact form
    • Add GDPR to the contact form
    • Publish it
    • Add the contact form to a new page an try it out.
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  • Plugin Author tropicalista


    Can you check if latest update solve this problem?

    Thread Starter dschmidtke


    No, it didn’t solve the problem. Here is the markup of the gdpr block used:

    <!-- wp:formello/input {"advanced":false} -->
    <div class="formello formello-checkbox"><label class="" for="field_99ef3d"><span>Ich stimme zu</span><span class="required">*</span></label><input name="checkbox" id="field_99ef3d" type="checkbox" required class=""/></div>
    <!-- /wp:formello/input -->

    And here ist the markup for the enclosing form block:

    <!-- wp:formello/form {"successMessage":"Vielen Dank! Ihre Bestellung wurde gesendet.","errorMessage":"Entschuldigung. Ihre Eingaben sind noch nicht komplett.","lock":{"move":false,"remove":false},"className":"as-row","style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"0","right":"0","bottom":"0","left":"0"}}}} -->
    <form class="wp-block-formello-form as-row" style="padding-top:0;padding-right:0;padding-bottom:0;padding-left:0" method="post" data-id="151" data-hide="true" data-validate="true" novalidate>
    Thread Starter dschmidtke


    Moreover after removing the checkbox block, the form does not submit anymore in Formello 2.3.1, outputting

    SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "
    Es gab "... is not valid JSON
    Plugin Author tropicalista


    Can you share a live link?

    Thread Starter dschmidtke


    No, I cannot share a link, since the website is in production and I have to roll back immediately.

    However, I noticed that you provided another update (2.3.2). I performed the update again, had the same problem with a checked checkbox not validating, but the json error after removing the checkbox block is gone.

    So I am on 2.3.2 now without a checkbox.

    Plugin Author tropicalista


    Can you try to set a value for checkbox?

    Thread Starter dschmidtke


    Yes, that’s it – the missing value. With JavaScript validation enabled, the form does not validate without a value for the checkbox. As soon as I set “on” as a value it worked.

    However, with JavaScipt validation disabled and HTML5 validation only, the form validates even without a value. And that’s how it’s supposed to work since the HTML spec says that if a checkbox name is submitted with empty value the default value should be “on”.

    So I suggest that you rework the JS validation in Formello and make empty checkboxes validate with “on” as default value.

    Thanks for your support!

    Plugin Author tropicalista


    I have made some changes to 2.3.3 that perform exactly what you are saying. So this is solved.

    The only differences is that I set “yes” as default value instead on “on” if value is missing.

    I’d probably add a setting to let user choose what is default. What are you thoughts?

    Plugin Author tropicalista


    This is solved. Let me know if you nedd further assistance. Thanks

    Thread Starter dschmidtke


    Sorry for the late reply. I thought about setting a default value or not, and came to the conclusion, that it might be the safest not to set any default – neither “yes” nor “on” – but perform the JS validation in a way where a checkbox, that is checked but has no value, is validating – like it does with HTML5 validation. That way, you are following the standard, and at the same time, your don’t have to make up a value or ask the Formello user to set one, because a value is not necessary.

    For reference:



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