• Resolved ehm01


    I can’t make the checkbox feature to alight correctly with Form7 (Version 4.03). even with a CSS change that was posted here before.
    It always put each option next to the previous one, with no break lines or any kind of nice feature. They actually look very ugly when I have more then 3 or 4.
    This is my CHECKBOX line that I try
    [checkbox* blogs “site1.com” “site2.com” “site3.com” “site4.com” “site5.com” “site6.com” “site7.com”]

    The CSS change below:
    span.wpcf7-list-item {

    is on my STYLE.CSS file (at the very and)


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  • Please include a link to your Contact Form 7 form. If others here are able to understand your actual problem, they may be able and willing to offer a possible solution.

    Did you find a fix?
    I am having the same problem. I also tried the code that was suggested.
    The CSS change below:
    span.wpcf7-list-item {

    Thread Starter ehm01


    I got mine fix when I place the code, below the last }
    so: I went to the STYLE.CSS, roll until the and of it,
    then after the last } I placed:

    span.wpcf7-list-item {

    Where exactly does this code go?

    span.wpcf7-list-item {

    Would it be possible for someone to walk me through exactly where this code goes?

    I went to plug-ins, then clicked the edit link under Contact Form 7, then contact-form-7/modules/checkbox.php

    When I enter the code there it locks the site up.

    Any help would be appreciated. I’m obviously no developer and need it spelled out for me.

    Thank You,


    See Styling Contact Form for a general explanation of styling CF7 forms using CSS.

    There is a link at the bottom of the page to a comprehensive and detailed article on Styling Contact Form 7 Forms. The article shows people, with suitable HTML & CSS skills, how to change the appearance of their Contact Form 7 Forms to meet their particular requirements.

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