• Hey everybody,

    I’d appreciate it if you’d stop by my blog The World Observed and see what you think about it. I appreciate all feedback, good and bad. Let me know if you have any ideas. Comments, suggestions, and ideas are all welcome.

    I am using the default theme Fadtastic.

    Thanks a bunch,

    Eric ??

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  • ouch. are you color blind?

    Wow. Hey at least you didn’t go with red and green.
    Lucky I can back out of that I was lost somewhere in your posts section.
    Personally I don’t care for those type of 3 column themes. Just looks so unbalanced. And that snapshots plugin scared the crap out of me. lol I wasn’t expecting that.
    I would try another color besides green it just doesnt mix well with that blue.
    You have great intent with this blog though. Keep it up.

    Thread Starter eric-olsen


    Thanks for the suggestions…

    I picked the that template mostly for the layout, the colors just came with. I am going to go with a better design when I upgrade to my own domain. Thanks for the tips.

    Thread Starter eric-olsen


    Any other thoughts or suggestions? Comments are welcome!

    I think you need something a bit more inspirational and a lot less in-your-face. The Fadtastic theme is great, but perhaps a little too loud for your blog. You might find something nice in these theme articles from Smashing Magazine:

    its a wordpress.com blog — he is limited to the designs that they make available. Good info for when he moves though.

    Thread Starter eric-olsen


    Thanks for the links, I’m gong to check it out. Yeah, I plan on moving my blog to my own hosting hopefully at the end of the month.

    Any tips for a custom template? Thanks. I like two-column pages, but can’t decide to have a left or right sidebar… Most sites are left navigation, but a lot of blogs are right navigation. What do you think? Left or right?

    Thanks for the feedback so far!

    Eric ??

    Thread Starter eric-olsen


    Please note that I’ve moved my blog to my own website here. Please comment on the changes that I have made (quite a bit of layout and color changes as I’ve used a different template).

    I’d love to hear what you think.

    Thanks and have a great day!

    Eric ??

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