• hey guys last couple of days I’ve been working really hard on my site, it might look like not much, but I don’t know anything when it comes to websites so it was all hard work.

    But give me some reviews and tell me what you think.


    The site is basicly about my love for portable media.

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  • Look good…

    it looks spamy

    i think it looks pretty decent. i’d justify the text & clean up the bottom of your blog posts a little bit (they’re kind of messy) and i’d make the “about” page not look like a blog, but like an actual static page.

    other than that i think what you’re doing looks pretty neat & you seem to know what you’re talking about! ?? the cleaner something looks, the easier it is to read, and ppl will actually read through and not get frustrated.

    basically, i’m saying the same thing MrBig said, but a little nicer? haha

    -kalen of https://scribblehoney.com

    Its well done. You need some separation between your ad sense ads and the blog content that is next to it… maybe more space.. or a light dotted line or something.. or a little gray background behind the adsense so our eye will quickly see they are two different things.


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