• I’d like to propose a small addition to fetch_remote_file() that allows a bypass so it will be possible to check for local existence of files instead of importing them via a remote GET request.

    Basically replace

    $headers = wp_get_http( $url, $upload['file'] );


    // fetch the remote url and write it to the placeholder
    		// Sometimes you already have all the files in place, so instead
    		// of downloading them again better see if you can reuse them
    		// put
    		// 		define( 'WP_IMPORTER_CHECK_LOCAL_FILES', true );
    		// in you wp-config.php to do so.
    		$existing_upload = wp_upload_dir( $post['upload_date'] );
    		$existing_upload['file'] = $existing_upload['path'] . "/$file_name";
    		$existing_upload['url'] = $existing_upload['url'] . "/$file_name";
    		if ( defined( 'WP_IMPORTER_CHECK_LOCAL_FILES' ) && true === WP_IMPORTER_CHECK_LOCAL_FILES && file_exists( $existing_upload['file'] ) && filesize( $existing_upload['file'] ) > 0 ) {
    			$headers = array(
    				'response' => 200,
    				'content-length' => filesize( $existing_upload['file'] ),
    				'x-final-location' => $url
    			$upload = $existing_upload;
    		} else {
    			$headers = wp_get_http( $url, $upload['file'] );

    Then define define( 'WP_IMPORTER_CHECK_LOCAL_FILES', true ); in your wp-config.php and existing files would be kept rather than re-fetched.


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  • +1 for this.

    It’s not always possible to retrieve files from a remote location, so manually placing the files and have the importer work with them would be a huge win.

    I run the command wget to download all media (images) from the remote url. From the remote server I want to export only last month and only posts, but I need to attach in the xml the Featured Image, this mod will work with my scenario? I don’t have the option to export “Everything” as the remote server is updated by 100 of posts every day.
    Can you advise?


    This is an enhancement that needs to be merged in the official version!



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