• Resolved ike456


    The function _is_fake_ip generated some false positives. I did some fixes and it’s working now. Maybe it needs some further workarounds for old php versions to keep it working there.

    	* Check for a fake IP
    	* @since   2.0
    	* @change  2.6.2
    	* @param   string   $ip    Client IP
    	* @param   string   $host  Client Host [optional]
    	* @return  boolean         TRUE if fake IP
    	private static function _is_fake_ip($client_ip, $client_host = false)
    		/* Remote Host */
    		$host_by_ip = gethostbyaddr($client_ip);
    		/* IPv6 special */
    		if(self::_is_ipv6($client_ip)) {
    			if(self::_is_ipv6($host_by_ip) && inet_pton($client_ip) === inet_pton($host_by_ip)) {
    				// no domain
    				return false;
    			} else {
    				// has domain
    				$record = dns_get_record($host_by_ip,DNS_AAAA);
    				if(empty($record) || empty($record[0]['ipv6'])) {
    					// no reverse entry
    					return true;
    				} else {
    					return inet_pton($client_ip) !== inet_pton($record[0]['ipv6']);
    		/* IPv4 / Comment */
    		if ( empty($client_host) ) {
    			$ip_by_host = gethostbyname($host_by_ip);
    			if ( $ip_by_host === $host_by_ip ) {
    				return false;
    		/* IPv4 / Trackback */
    		} else {
    			if ( $host_by_ip === $client_ip ) {
    				return true;
    			$ip_by_host = gethostbyname($client_host);
    		if ( strpos( $client_ip, self::_cut_ip($ip_by_host) ) === false ) {
    			return true;
    		return false;
    	* Check for an IPv4 address
    	* @since   2.4
    	* @change  2.6.2
    	* @param   string   $ip  IP to validate
    	* @return  integer       TRUE if IPv4
    	private static function _is_ipv4($ip)
    		//return preg_match('/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3,3}$/', $ip);
    		return filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) !== false ;
    	* Check for an IPv6 address
    	* @since   2.6.2
    	* @change  2.6.2
    	* @param   string   $ip  IP to validate
    	* @return  boolean       TRUE if IPv6
    	private static function _is_ipv6($ip)
    		//return ! self::_is_ipv4($ip);
    		return filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) !== false ;


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  • Anonymous User 7658014


    Hi there, ike456,

    thanks for posting your solution. It might take a while, though, before the plugin author will be able to test and support IPv6 with AntiSpam Bee. It just isn’t available on a broader basis yet.

    Meanwhile, your solution certainly will provide great value to those looking to for a quick solution to immediately implement IPv6 support in the plugin. (Even though hacking plugin files directly usually isn’t recommended, of course.)

    Thanks again!

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