• Hello,
    I am making an external page and I want to check there if the user is logen in my WP Blog, how can I do it?

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  • hi,

    I’m also working on an external page but i can’t seem to find the cookie that has been set, so that the other page(s) will show that that he is logged in. Since the so i have to know where/what name are the cookie set at and named. hope that made sense.

    I figured it out I didn’t load the “wp-load.php”, then you can use the variables that hold the data.

    Thread Starter roxer82


    prosp3ct, how do you get the variables?

    I loaded wp-load.php but it’s still not showing I’m logged in. Any advice on how you did yours?



    uh wow i forgot to check up and reply the variables i’m loading are in the wp-load and i use the wordpress function.

    if you loaded it , it should work

    use include(”) <– or require(”)

    @tim if its not showing you that your logged in then , you had the same problem i did playing around with the sessions. make sure you load wp-load.php before the <html> and its been loaded on every page.

    hope that helped

    @roxer82 variables (that i created) and functions (wordpress) are just search for function on this support site.

    its been a while i haven’t messed with wordpress in a minute i only ended up doing this for a friend.

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