Check button link
I had created my custom button using function. Now this plugin is not able to check broken link for that button. How can I do that?
Please help me.
Thank you.
@wpmudev-support8 can anyone please help me ASAP.
Thank you.Hello @ramansingh285
Could you please share the custom code used?
Also, is there a public page where we could see this in action?
Please advise!Thank you,
DimitrisHello @wpmudev-support6
Thank you for your reply.
//My custom button shortcode
function and_button_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {// shortcode attributes
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
‘url’ => ”,
‘title’ => ”,
‘target’ => ”,
‘text’ => ”,
), $atts ) );$content = $text ? $text : $content;
// Returns the button with a link
if ( $url ) {$link_attr = array(
‘href’ => esc_url( $url ),
‘title’ => esc_attr( $title ),
‘target’ => ( ‘blank’ == $target ) ? ‘_blank’ : ”,
‘class’ => ‘my-button’,
‘id’ => ‘andbutton’
);$link_attrs_str = ”;
foreach ( $link_attr as $key => $val ) {
if ( $val ) {
$link_attrs_str .= ‘ ‘ . $key . ‘=”‘ . $val . ‘”‘;
return ‘<a’ . $link_attrs_str . ‘><i class=”fa fa-android” aria-hidden=”true”></i> <span>’ . do_shortcode( $content ) . ‘</span>‘;
// Return as span when no link defined
else {return ‘<span class=”my-button”><span>’ . do_shortcode( $content ) . ‘</span></span>’;
add_shortcode( ‘andbutton’, ‘and_button_shortcode’ );This is my button code function and [andbutton url=”” target=”_blank” text=”Download From PlayStore”] is my shortcode for button.
You can check it on
Please help me to find broken link using broken link checker plugin from this button.Hello @wpmudev-support6 @wpmudev
Can you please help me ASAP?
Thank you.-
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Hello @ramansingh285
I’m sorry for keeping you waiting! We’re trying to address all the questions and issues here as fast as possible but sometimes there’s more questions (also about our other plugins) and we might not be able to respond in “real time”. We’re working on improving that process but I’d be grateful for a bit of patience and understanding if we happen not to respond right away.
Getting back to your question, the code that you shared adds a shortcode that “inject” links into content at the time of content generation so those links are not stored in form of “link code” (full “a” tag with its attributes) in the database, thus unavailable by default to Broken Link Checker.
There’s a setting, however, that might help here. Please go to the “Settings -> Link Checker -> Which Links to check” page and make sure that “Plaintext URLs” option is also enabled there.
Give it a try please and let us know if it worked for you.
Best regards,
AdamHello @wpmudev-support8
Thank you for your reply.
I had already enabled “Plaintext URLs” but still not getting it.Thanks for response!
It’s a bit unexpected then. Just to make sure – it doesn’t even detect that Link, right? Or it does but just gives it a wrong status (e.g. reporting it as broken while it’s not)?
Is this added directly to content or via/within some “dynamic” module (of some page builder) and/or yet another shortcode?
Also, could you please test what happens if you add the very same link directly to the content of the page/post right via post/page editor?
Kind regards,
AdamHello @wpmudev-support8
Thanks for your response!It doesn’t detect the link. Plugin shows:
No broken links found.
No URLs in the work queue.
No links detected.I am using classic WordPress page editor.
Hello @ramansingh285 ,
I’ve tested placing your example shortcode on my site and Broken Link checker had no issues with finding that link.
Just so we are on the same page, Broken link checker stopped working after you added your custom code to site? – could you post it again using code tags or service (when code is pasted as normal text some characters are change and so code is not usable).kind regards,
KasiaHi Team,
I am also facing the same issue with the short code.
This is what I am using in my website.
Function Part
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////function buttonbrown_function( $atts = array(), $content = null ) {
// set up default parameters
‘url’ => ‘#’,
‘position’ => ‘#’
), $atts));return ‘‘ . $content . ‘‘;
add_shortcode(‘button-brown’, ‘buttonbrown_function’);////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
UI Part
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[button-brown url=”” ] Download from iTunes[/button-brown]
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Harman Gomez.
Hello @wpmudev-support2 @wpmudev-support8
Plugin is unable to find any link on my website while I am using my custom button code as
This broken link checker shows:
No broken links found.
No URLs in the work queue.
No links detected.Kindly please help me ASAP.
Thank you.Thanks for response!
I asked you previously:
Also, could you please test what happens if you add the very same link directly to the content of the page/post right via post/page editor?
What I meant wasn’t “adding shortcode via WP editor” but adding a raw link directly to some post content – not a shortcode but just the link itself (the link that normally would come from shortcode). I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear on this.
Could you please test it? First, just directly put a raw link into some post (of the same post type as posts that you’re adding shortcode to), then clear all caches and in Broken Link Checker go to “Advanced” settings and run “re-check all pages” option and see what happens.
Let me know if such link then is detected and if so, what status it gives.
I hope you’re well today! I understand that he issue is same/similar but please start a new, separate ticket of your own as per this forum’s guidelines:
Kind regards,
AdamHi @wpmudev-support8
Thank you for reply.
The plugin is working fine for normal text link as
but if I am using my custom button [andbutton url=””; target=”_blank” text=”Download From PlayStore”] It shows
No broken links found.
No URLs in the work queue.
No links detected.Kindly please help me ASAP.
Thank you.Hi @ramansingh285,
I’m afraid that the issue here is with the link being used in shortcode and is something that BLC is not able to check at the moment.
This is something that is already on our to-do list so it will be addressed in one of the future releases.Cheers,
PredragHi @wpmudev-support1
Is there any solution for this issue? -
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
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