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  • D


    I’m having the exact same problem. The “Remember Me” checkbox doesn’t work in Chrome or Safari, but it does work in Firefox.

    Plugin Author Austin


    Checkbox where? In settings or on the wp-login page?

    Thread Starter SuperCougar



    On the wp-login page.

    Sorry, I thought it was obvious.

    Plugin Author Austin


    Can you provide a screenshot? I don’t see any issue in my Chrome browser.

    Thread Starter SuperCougar


    Hi Austin,

    Better than a screenshot, I made a little video for you.

    ? The video

    This is an unlisted video on YouTube. Nobody can see it unless they have the link.




    The problem that SuperCougar depicts on his video is exactly the same problem that I’m having with the latest version of Custom Login. The checkbox fails to work properly on Chrome or Safari but does work on Firefox.

    Plugin Author Austin


    Thanks for the video. I’ll look into this issue before next release.

    Plugin Author Austin


    This issues is fixed in version 3.1.

    Thread Starter SuperCougar



    I have updated from version to 3.10 and it is OK now.

    Thank you for the fix.


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