Hey @tathros!
Thanks for using the plugin and thanks for the question. I have not officially tested and qualified the plugin to work with Gutenberg yet. However, please try the following:
Have a look at https://gehrcke.de/wp-geshi-highlight-demo/ and specifically at these two examples called:
– “HTML, without decoding HTML entities”
– “HTML, like above, but with decoding HTML entities”
These two examples illustrate a technique based on the escaped=”true” option. That option allows you to have HTML entities such as >
in your pre block content which after all displays correctly to your users. Example:
<pre lang="xxx" escaped="true">
< >
This will correctly display the <
and the >
characters. If you write “&” (which is the HTML entity for “ampersand”) it will decode to &
That is, I think if you just leave the “&” as-is, and add the escaped=true option to your pre block then the content will display correctly.
Let me know how it goes.