• Hi, for security, we have changed our table prefix from wp_ to something else and now the blogs won’t show up on the site. Not exactly sure how to fix this. Has anyone had a solution for making the blogs show back up once you change wp_ to something else?



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  • Did you change the table prefix in your wp-config.php file as well?

    Thread Starter remkyweb



    If you change it back to wp_, does the site work again?

    Thread Starter remkyweb


    Yep, works fine when changed back. Crazy I tell ya! hehe

    Same here . . changing the prefix was easy but it didn’t work. Changed it back to wp_ and it was fine. Another issue I noticed was how these McInstalls (Click and Blog!) of WordPress on my service at least, gives you zero control over the install procedure.

    I tried a fresh install recently also and it was seriously screwed up. Permissions we’re all messed up 12 outdated plugins I couldn’t update or delete. An amateur wouldn’t even notice this stuff.

    I mean if the hosting service can’t install a secure WordPress properly to begin with forget it.

    Not sure that changing your $table_prefix makes your site more secure but there’s lots of info on the subject:


    It certainly can’t hurt. Obviously hackers want easy targets. Not sites that are going to be a hassle to crack and infect.

    Matt Mullenweg described the idea that a different table prefix made a site more secure as “crap on a stick”.


    “crap on a stick”.

    Whats that supposed to mean? Don’t even bother changing table prefixes it’s not going to help make it any more secure? I mean Matt was about 10 yrs old when I worked for a top ten Tech company in the 90’s. Not that my experience and wisdom counts or anything like that.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Changing the table prefix just obscures the table name. It doesn’t hurt, but it doesn’t make you more secure.

    However, if someone gets access to your database exactly how long would it be to get the list of tables? It would only be a fix if the hack was blindly plugging into the wrong table names.

    It really comes down to how well protected a host server is from attacks and exploits. A humongous number of blogs with no uniform protection standards on shared servers presents quite a security challenge. Most people want to purchase a product, get in the car and drive. Not tweak, hack, and lay under the hood all day fixing problems that don’t or shouldn’t need to be fixed.

    Now, what to do about criminal hackers who are the cause of all this stuff to begin with. That is everyone’s problem.

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