• Hi to everypne i need a little help.I have searched forums,blogs,sites and others for a lot of hours. . I went to dashboard and then to general settings and change the wordpress url adress and the site url adress.After this i cannot logged in to dashboard(i do not tested if other pages except home page-static page worked).After i went to phpadmin of my host company and went to wp-options and change the url of siteurl(i wrote my old url.I do the same to another page(HOME) except siteurl and then my dashboard worked.I have read that it was a way to make your dashboard load again and it worked.Now i can enter to my dashboard but my pages of my blog do not load except from home page-static page(as i said before i have not tested after changing url if other pages except static page-home worked).Then i went to the guide and try follow only the steps of ‘if you have accidentally changed your url’.Then i should go to fillezila(i use this) and update my site(wp-login edit).Right?My name of site is bestptcmaniac so i should type this code after require..php

    //FIXME: do comment/remove these hack lines. (once the database is updated)
    update_option(‘siteurl’, ‘https://bestptcmaniac.com/blog’ );
    update_option(‘home’, ‘https://bestptcmaniac.com/blog’ );
    Right?I have done all these things but nothing worked.

    Explain me a little.My hosting company is one.com

    Plz help because i have been working to the blog 6-8 hours everyday for about a month.I do not have experience with blogging (only one month) so i need help

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  • Thread Starter adminpt


    Fisrt of all Esmi thanks for answer. I have spend 2-3 hours after your posting but really nothing worked.I am completely sure that i have done all of the 4 ways corectly.I have the same problem.Nothing worked.My dashboard,static page-home page works but all other things do not load(page ,posts).Nothing.It is very strange.Maybe there is no solution.I used coding,phpadmin fillezila but nothing.
    If i could do something to build my blog(same,without paying a new company) i will be too hapy because i will install only the plugins and themes and images.I have copied the content.
    If you knew a way how to do it tell this to me because the 4 ways of changing url do not worked(and completely sure that i made them right).STRANGE
    Waiting your reply Esmi.Thanks again for answer.

    I’m sorry but those are the only methods to restore access to your site. I’ve never known them to fail.

    Thread Starter adminpt


    Ok Esmi i udnerstand what you said but nothing works for me.So i do something else in order to save my blog.I went to filezilla and delete all files that i have uploaded and i downloaded wordpress again and uploaded the files of new wordpress in fillezila.But when i went to my siteurl in order to make the blog from the begining i wrote mysql username,password and database host and wordpress do not accepted it in order to make the blog from the beggining.This means that i need to buy a hosting company and domain name again?Need to pay again?Here is the problem. [link removed]
    Waiting your quick reply .And thanks for answer

    Thread Starter adminpt


    My link of problem is in “waiting your reply..”
    Also do you think that i should communicate with one.com in order to understand my problem.Host companies do not allow this(my example)to do in their blog?(Delete it and make it from begining).Help me a little because i think to pay again(one.com)

    Re-uploading the WordPress files won;t help. Your blog’s settings & content are all stored in your database. Please try re-reading Changing_The_Site_URL. Methods 1 or 2 will work if you follow the instructions carefully.

    Thread Starter adminpt


    Esmi thanks for your quick answer.What i should do to export files from phpadmin database?And then i should delete the files of filezzila(new wordpress) and upload the exported files of my old blog.And then change url of my blog.Right?

    Why are you trying to export via Phpmyadmin?

    Thread Starter adminpt


    Where i should go and what i should do to export the files(of my old blog)?Help me a little.

    You can create a database backup but that’s not going to help if the incorrect urls are still in the database.

    Thread Starter adminpt


    In my phpadmin ,in wp options my “siteurl” and “home” are the same so i have the same url.But as you said to the link you have send me this is a solution so my site should have worked but not worked.So as i have the same url(home,siteurl) if i do the “the create database backup” maybe will work.Right?

    If your site is not working correctly down because of incorrect urls in the database, then exporting & importing the db won’t make any difference. You need to fix the problem on your site as it currently stands. Right now, WordPress isn’t even installed on https://bestptcmaniac.com/blog/

    Thread Starter adminpt


    Esmi i dont think that host companies allow to istall wordpress(maybe this is the reason i cant install wordpress in this siteurl) again in the same site url(https://bestptcmaniac.com/blog/).Am i right? ,because if this is happens i cannot do nothing.

    Pardon? If your hosts didn’t allow you to install WordPress, then how did you have a WordPress site & dashboard in the first place?

    Thread Starter adminpt


    install wordpress for second time in the same url.(like my example).when i put my mysql paswords,username and database home appear this

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