• Hello,
    I want to change the way wordpress displays posts on main page.
    Things I want to do:
    1) Either disable link in post title, or make redirect to custom link.[forum topic]
    2) I want to remove the bar at the bottom, one that shows who made page/what category is it in etc
    3) I want to change the blog posts list formatting. I mean the way posts are displayed on main page. I want to change it this way.
    [—————Post Name—————–]

    I know php and css at about intermediate level, I’m far from pro in either and I never worked with WP editing before, besides some css tweaks and plugin installing.

    I would appreciate if you would help me with this, either by posting name of plugin that does similar changes or by pointing out files I’ll have to edit.

    About files I want to know
    *Which file/s contains Page and Post Editing code in ACP, and how can I add custom input fields without screwing all up.
    *Which file/s contains code that is responsible for formatting post box on main page, So I could add custom div for image I want displayed next to post content.
    *Which file/s contains code for that little box with Author/Category/Date info so I can remove it
    *and Link in post title thing.

    Thank in advance!

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  • Chris


    I recommend backing up before making changes –but what i’ve learned might be able to help a little….

    When you are logged into the admin part of the website – where you view your dashboard and plugins and what not —do you have a tab marked “appearance” ?

    1. disable link in post title
    ?Go to appearance/editor
    find (on the right hand side) “blog page template” or “(tpl_blog.php)” (idk how your page will look – but you want to find the php code for your blog)

    ?find this code: <h2 class=”h1″ id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>
    ” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>”> <?php the_title(); ?> </h2>

    ?REMOVE this part: ” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>”> <?php the_title(); ?>

    ?update the file.
    –this removes the link in the post title.

    If you want to remove the “posted by…” “Coments (0)” at the top too you will find and remove this code (found right under above <h2></h2> code):

    <p>Posted by <span class=”i_author”><?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></span>
    <span class=”i_comment2″><?php comments_popup_link(‘(0) Comment’, ‘(1) Comment’, ‘(%) Comment’); ?></span> </p>

    2. removing category:
    find this code in the same blog.php template as above: <div class=”post_bottom”> <span class=”cate”> Category : <?php the_category(‘ | ‘) ?></span>

    -if you remove the <span> to </span> code/content it should remove.

    I’m not too sure about the ACP code you are referring to – I too am not a pro at this… have learned what works via trial and error. (so take my instrcution above w/a grain of salt and BACKUP or copy code so you can easly put it back if doesn’t work…make sense?)

    Regarding the appearence of the postings on the main page, i can’t help too much — we have a post that is set up as our home page… no posts are supposed to appear on the front (main) page.

    the author/category/date info for posts can all be found on the template in editor that relates to your posts/blogs/? (ours is labeled: “Blog Page Template (tpl_blog.php)”

    I hope this helps…
    You can see how I’ve deleted our “posted by” and “comments (0)” on our site. our site: https://www.mastertechmag.com

    Thread Starter hellwaIker


    Yes I think I understand most of it, will try it out.
    thx for your time!

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