Thanks for raiing this issue.
When you add a Taxonomy it gets added at the end of thr Custom Taxonomies list of Taxonomies. There is no current functionality delivered to change this order.
However this ordering is also used when using the shortcode [staxo_post_terms]
or its equivalent block when all taxonomies are output.
You can control the output of the post terms in a somewhat long-winded process by using the tax parameter by having several shortcodes, e.g.
[staxo_post_terms tax=first_wanted]
[staxo_post_terms tax=second_wanted]
The next version (2.3) of the plugin will provide a method to change the ordering although in a non-obvious way.
You export the (entire) configuration having defined the order of the custom taxonomies.
You then import the configuration file just written.
Since the custom taxonomies are in a different order, this changed order will be seen in the output be that the admin screen or the shortcode/blocks.
Yhe module to do this is now available at GitHub as class-simpletaxonomyrefreshed-admin-config.php.
If you go to the page you will need to copy out the program code and replace the module includes/class-simpletaxonomyrefreshed-admin-config.php
Hope this is of use,
Neil James