• Hi!

    I’ve noticed that changing a user’s display name does not seem to update that user’s name in his/her comments. I looked through the source code and sure enough, there didn’t seem to be any updates to the comments table in the wp_insert_user function, which is called by the wp_update_user function (both are in the wp-includes/registration.php file).

    I figured this may have been something that the developers overlooked so I issued a patch and posted it to Trac (Ticket #11358):

    Ticket #11358: wp_insert_user() does not update display name in user comments

    I’m looking forward to any comments that other developers/administrators have about this behavior of WordPress and the submitted patch.

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  • Take a look at this trac.

    In fact, get involved in that trac if this issue means anything to you. When I first posted the link there was a fix set for milestone 3.0. Now that milestone has been removed and the trac tagged ‘closed’.

    I noticed that too and would appreciate a solution.

    So jump in chartinael :). You can login with the same username and password as here.

    Well, I am an absolute neophyte and wouldn’t know what to do … but I noticed the issue and thought, oh darn, now I have to change the name manually on all 35 comments or the like.

    I’m happy to say that things are looking up. It seems that I made a good case. It got reopened. ??

    Thank you … does that mean some competent person will look into the issue?

    I’ve actually kinda committed myself to writing a patch. Whether that means that “some competent person will look into the issue” is something of a judgment call. No guarantee that the patch will get through the review process, though.

    I added a patch, if anyone is following this.

    what does that mean? will it be incorporated in the next release or do I need to download anything?

    It means that I submitted code that will hopefully be incorporated into a future release– no guarantees at this point though.

    Oh, ok. Well, thank you for your time and effort anyhow.

    PS. Do you think, I can safely remove rss items in options table?

    We’ll see how it goes. It has a milestone set at 3.0 so tentatively it should show up there, assuming it passes debugging and such.

    You can remove the rss items but they’ll repopulate if you do.

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