• Resolved Sheerfaith


    Hello there !

    I have -again- a few questions about changing the color of several elements in the sidebar, as i’m turning around without finding the solution, despite having checked all the css files, and even some of the .php files.

    Instead of writing a long explanation here, i prefer to post the link of a screenshot which i anoted with arrows and text, as visual is always better to understand. ??


    I would also like to know how to “add” some further “blocks” or widgets, in the section directly over the footer (where “why us?” is) so that this poor section gets a bit more symetric ! ??

    I thank you in advance for all informations, help, hints which you can provide me ! Have a nice day @ll!

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  • Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    Btw, i think i found a typo in the sidebar-right.php at line 153:

    <div class=”testimoinal-client-name”><?php the_title(); ?></div>

    Should be “testimonial” either, i think?

    Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    UP !
    Nobody around to help me out with this issue?
    It must not be such a big deal to change the color of the lines, tabs, etc, is it?

    Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    I found out how/where to modify the “divider lines” color between the articles, and also the background of the categories titles in the top-section :

    search fort “posts and pages” in your original css file, and copy/paste out to your custom css file these 2 parts :

    #ak-blog-post article.hentry{
    margin-bottom: 30px;
    padding-bottom: 30px;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #adadad; /* Divider line color between posts */

    border-left: 5px solid #666;
    padding-left: 15px;
    margin-bottom: 25px;
    background:#474747; /* Background color of the title */

    I’ve added the description behind the relevant lines.

    Well, that’s a step forward, but i’m still searching for the sidebar widgets color changes…

    Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    Summer holidays or … ? ??

    Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    Okidoki, to be stubborn helps sometimes ! ^^

    After 2 days searching around, i finally find out how to change the color of the articles titles + hover effect (mouse over) for the event & news section in the right sidebar. Add this -with your own colors- to your child theme style.css :

    .event-detail h4 a{
    color: #adadad;

    .event-detail h4 a:hover{
    color: #f9fd01

    I’ll keep posting if i find out how to proceed with the other unsolved issues.

    Theme Author Access Keys


    Great job.. Keep working.. cheers

    Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    Thx. Now that you’ve congratulated me, what about helping me a bit, by pointing the right direction for the 2 last problems : the background color from exceirpts in the sidebar (if it’s possible to change for sure, as i don’t know if it’s loading the main background instead) and from the exceirpts dates tabs (also sidebar? I would appreciate. ??

    Theme Author Access Keys


    Let me know your website url along with the issue point wise.. will certainly help you

    Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    Hello there !
    Thanks a lot for this kind thought.

    Sadfully, the website is not online yet, as i work with instant WP, so offline.

    Anyway, i’m now working on other aspects of the website, like the posts, and i’m currently searching the matching pictures system (i don’t know now if i will keep on a grid system with slider on click, or simply a grid system with hover effect on the thumbnails, expanding the picture to it original size. There are a lot of galleries and sliders out there, but none which is really interesting (except for premium ones eventually, but i hate having to use 2-3 plugins to get the effects i want).

    Thanks again, keep on the good job, your theme is really nice, and has both design as features which i was looking for !

    Have a nice day.

    Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    little update. ??

    I finally choose to invest a bit in the excellent gallery plugin from Firsh justified image grid as it match several of my needs, and i’m pretty satisfied about it and can just say it works fine with accesspress-lite.

    This said, i continue to work on the general layout as they are still few things which are not matching.

    I’m trying to change the blue overlay effect (the one with the flipping blue opacity covering and the +, appearing by hovering over featured post on the front page) but despite many tests, i can’t get any change. =( As already said, i’m working with a child theme and generally every change i apply on it works, except a few things which i guess are overrided from other specifications, generally text position / color and sometimes like here, elements of the page. What i also noticed and which is kind of weird, is that for some of these changes which are not being done when using the child style.css, i succeed making them work through the custom css field in the theme itself… For example, i couldn’t get the right spacing between lines (title – text) at some specific place in the website (don’t remember which it was) despite several tries, so i simply cut and pasted this into the custom css, saved, f5 on the browser and suddenly it worked.

    Ermm… sorry, let’s come to our main question : how can i change the color of this overlay on featured posts? I mean, i like the little effect with this flipping opacity shield and the +, but the blue simply don’t match the general theme, so i need to change it. As explained, when i tried changing the color, nothing happened, so i was wondering where i should modify this overlay color if not in the style.css? oO

    Thanks in advance for any hint ! =)

    Theme Author Access Keys


    To change color of the overlay in the featured post

    .featured-post .featured-overlay{background:#FF0000;}

    change #FF0000 to your color

    put it in the custom css of the tool tab in theme option panel or in your child theme.

    Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    Awesome ! =)
    Thanks a lot for this quick reply.

    Sadfully, here we have again what i was explaining above : when i add the code in the custom css field from theme it works, but to my child theme it doesn’t, and i can’t understand why.

    As i said, every change i add to my custom child theme css works, but sometimes for any weird reason like here, it doesn’t. I know it’s difficult to answer my question, but any idea why it don’t work? I mean, if something like 95% from changes work, why not this one?

    Theme Author Access Keys


    You missed closing bracket or made mistake in the CSS. Please do validate you CSS here to find the errors

    Thread Starter Sheerfaith


    Hi there.
    Thank you for this advice.
    I went through the css validator but nothing relevant came out.

    There are in deed a few errors and warnings, but there are all “false” errors, concerning small details about for example : opacity:80 in the featured posts overlay (which i didn’t modified : it’s the original value). I wonder that would be the reason of the failing, as .featured-post and .featured-overlay aren’t the only elements which i cannot change throught the child-theme. Anyway, i changed the values to the original ones from template, and tried to modify the color again on the child-theme css, and have still the same problem. so i don’t think this is the source of the issue.

    Some errors too on the .hentry img and .site-branding img as i imported an external effect to give a slight shadowed 3D touch to single pictures (galleries run with their own JIG effects).

    These errors were the only ones to find in the validator, no missing bracket, or whatever.

    About the warnings, they are about original parts of your template, almost about undefinied colors, resizing of the fonts, unknown properties relative to -moz/ -webkit/ etc, all values which i didn’t touched and were in the original style.css.

    So, at this point i don’t think i have any missig “}”, “;” or “#” somewhere.

    I would also appreciate if you wouldn’t tag my post as [resolved], as i don’t see it as resolved yet.

    I know that you’re busy and that this is just the free theme version, but some people may have had similar issues and have found by themselves a solution which they could share with me. So, please unflag the post in order to find answers.

    Theme Author Access Keys


    can you please mention your problem in short and precisely. ??

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