Hey there Natalie,
6 months definitely sounds like forever for these kind of changes.
Since there is no link to your and you already made some modifications to your site I’m not sure what exactly you’re trying to change.
Generally adding color property will change the color of the text/links. So for example to change color of the links in the content your code should look like this:
.entry-content a {
background-color: blue;
color: blue;
As for adding transparency you’ll have to rgba color values instead of blue. You can find more info about rgba colors here: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors_legal.asp.
So for example to add semi transparent background color to your title area your code should look like this:
.entry-title {
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
First three numbers represents black color and the last number (0.5) represents 50% transparency where 0 is completely transparent and 1 is full color. You can use sites such as this one to get rgba value for the color https://www.cssportal.com/css3-rgba-generator/.
If any of this doesn’t work please post link to your site and let me know what you’re looking to change and I’ll be happy to help ??