• Just learning WordPress, and modifying a free template to become a photography portfolio. Coming along nicely, but I’d like to change the word “Categories” to “Galleries” and am not sure how.
    Any help would be appreciated. Remember, I’m a noob!

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  • Log into admin, go to “Categories”, hover over the one you want to change, hit “edit” and change the name.

    Thread Starter rstouff


    Thanks, doodlebee…but I actually want to change the word “categories” to “galleries”

    Thanks, doodlebee…but I actually want to change the word “categories” to “galleries”

    I’ve bee looking for this as well (for hours) and can’t believe I can’t find where or how to change this. Where is this buried?

    For RStouff and anyone else who needs to change the name “Categories” in your theme’s sidebar menu:

    Open the sidebar.php that is located inside your current theme folder (/themes/sidebar.php) and look for the following code:

    <?php wp_list_categories('show_count=1&title_li=<h2>Categories</h2>'); ?>

    I found mine around line 54 but yours may differ. Change the name “Categories” and that should fix the problem.

    RStouff, I’m also a creating a photography website. What’s your URL so I can check it out?

    I am a newbie to WP as well, so correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t it much easier (and also a correct way) to change the word Categories to something else by simply going into the Widget, and editing “Categories?”

    …but isn’t it much easier (and also a correct way) to change the word Categories to something else by simply going into the Widget, and editing “Categories?”

    Sorry, Lizbit, I didn’t realize there was a ‘correct’ solution. As for looking where you’ve suggested, the back-end was the first place I looked.

    If you can do what you suggest, why not post the process here as a solution to the problem rather than postulating behind veiled insults?

    ADKirwan, it’s unfortunate you took my reply as an insult; I am sorry you misinterpreted. When I say “also a correct way,” it wasn’t an implication that the method you described was “incorrect,” but rather, questioning if going through Widgets was ALSO a means of changing the Categories title, in addition to going through the back end as you described. I would not have thought to go through the themes as you said – so it’s nice to know there are other ways of doing this.

    As I clearly said, I, too, am a newbie and still learning Word Press, and therefore was unsure if the Widget process was a good way to do it.

    Again – I’m not insulting you – it was merely an inquiry. I’m not here to insult – I am here to learn, and am pretty grateful for all the people willing to help share their expertise!

    If going through Widgets is ALSO a solution, then just go into Widgets, choose the Categories title off to the right, edit, and rename.

    Hope you can see, if you re-read my post, that it was not an insult – just an inquiry!! ??

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