Changing Table Prefix
Hey Guys,
I’m sure this is a unique situation, but when you change a website prefix it remembers the old prefix. This happened because I copied our website into a different region and use a different prefix but wanted to keep all the data from the previous one. I had a dig through the code and got lost in the newsmanStorable class. Couldn’t quite find the culprit. See Error below. Cheers.
WordPress database error Table ‘wp_br_something.bc_newsman_lst_customer’ doesn’t exist for query INSERT HIGH_PRIORITY IGNORE into \n\t\t\t\t\tbc_newsman_lst_customer (ts, ip, email, status, ucode, fields, bounceStatus)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES(‘2014-09-04 05:20:18′,’′,’blah@blah’,’1′,’JNwQNN2RjQARPa6HmSjhqA’,'{\\”first-name\\”:\\”Blah\\”,\\”last-name\\”:\\”Blah\\”,\\”country\\”:\\”BR\\”,\\”state\\”:\\”26\\”,\\”city\\”:\\”Paulo Lopes\\”,\\”postcode\\”:\\”88490-000\\”}’,”); made by newsmanAPI->__construct, call_user_method, newsmanAPI->ajAddEmail, newsmanSub->save, referer:
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