• Hi all,
    I’m looking to change the color of the submenu that displays when you hover over an item on the horizontal menu in Twenty Ten.

    The site is https://www.akashamadron.com/newsite…you can see that the horizontal menu is fine until you try to pull up sub-menu options – at which point you have all sorts of problems. Can you tell me which file I’ll need to edit to fix this, and the code I need to use? Thanks!

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  • style.css line 440
    #access li:hover > a, #access ul ul *:hover > a {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #333333;
    color: #FFFFFF;

    I would definitely recommend a child theme to make these changes.

    Thread Starter thymelady


    Thank you for your fast response! – and one other question: how do I find line 440? Let me play with this and then I’ll check out child themes if it doesn’t help…

    Do NOT modify theme files – as your changes will be lost when WP is updated. You can safely make CSS changes using a custom CSS plugin – then ADD the above code there.

    Or you can make a child theme as suggested above and put the CSS in the new style.css of the child theme.

    Thread Starter thymelady


    Wow – thanks. I had no idea. Can you recommend a particular plugin? I’m sorry – to crib a cliche from Star Trek’s Bones, I’m a writer, not a developer.

    LOL – no problem – I think this one is good:


    That will add a new item under Appearance > Custom CSS – so you just ADD your new CSS there.

    Thread Starter thymelady


    Thanks much – that’s a huge help. Appreciation!

    Thread Starter thymelady


    Oh dear – I’ve entered the code with the plugin, and cleared my cache – no changes showing up yet. It’s a string of issues actually – the current page doesn’t show up because the text is white; the submenu items barely show up because they’re purple like the main horizontal menu items…and all of the changes I made in the theme files.
    Should I uninstall and reinstall the theme to start over? Thanks!

    There’s no custom CSS visible – so that seems weird. Yeah, if you changed theme files, I’d suggest first copying the theme folder to your local computer so you have a copy of what you’ve changed. Then do reinstall the theme – so you’re starting fresh.

    Have you changed anything besides the CSS file?

    I am not seeing any changes either.

    I have not used that plugin but I’m sure it’s great.

    This line here is causing your white text up top:

    #access ul li.current_page_item > a, #access ul li.current_page_ancestor > a, #access ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a, #access ul li.current-menu-item > a, #access ul li.current-menu-parent > a {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    Try to copy and past that in the css plugin and then to change the color of the background:
    #access ul ul a {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #333333;
    height: auto;
    line-height: 1em;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 160px;

    See if that works.

    Thread Starter thymelady


    OK – I’m beginning to get the picture! I’ve been messing around a little bit and think that just a few more tweaks are needed before it’s perfect.
    So what I’m trying to do is this:
    1) get the (now red) current page menu item to change to white when I scroll over it with the gray selector highlight;
    2) get the (now orchid) non-selected submenu items to be white;
    3) get the selected submenu item to be some other color that’s easier to see against the dark gray submenu background – light orchid, maybe? #FF83FA would be nice, I think. I managed to change the color of the submenu background, but didn’t like it – would rather have the text change color…
    Thank you!

    Okay, cool, looks like you are getting there – but make sure you add a closing bracket to your existing custom CSS – looks like the last bit is missing one. Then try adding this:

    #access ul li.current_page_item > a:hover, #access ul li.current_page_ancestor > a:hover, #access ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a:hover, #access ul li.current-menu-item > a:hover, #access ul li.current-menu-parent > a:hover {
        color: white;
    #access ul ul a {
         color: white;
    #access li:hover > a, #access ul ul *:hover > a {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #333333;
        color: #FF83FA;

    See if that does what you want – not totally sure so test it a bit.

    Thread Starter thymelady


    Wow – I think I’ve got it! Go take a look now….how do the colors work, do you think?

    Now one last question – I have the menu text color set in the Style.css file, and it needs to come into the plugin…should I just pick up that code and plunk it in, or is there something special I need to do?

    Thanks so much for all your help!

    Thread Starter thymelady


    Oh – and forgot about the Home page title. Not quite done yet….

    I have the menu text color set in the Style.css file, and it needs to come into the plugin…should I just pick up that code and plunk it in

    Yep, you can copy it from the style.css file to the custom CSS portion. Then I’d suggest you reinstall the theme so that you’re not rudely surprised when WP updates the theme. Do make a backup copy of the theme folder before you do so :).

    Thread Starter thymelady


    Thanks – will do…

    Rather confused – if the custom changes are duplicated in the plugin, why would I get a rude surprise when WordPress updates the theme? Wouldn’t the plugin code override the new theme?


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